
TWINS FOR THE WIN! My twins just turned five and they have always, always been amazing at bedtime. When they were babies we’d lay them down and just walk out. They’d coo at each other until they fell asleep. Now that they’re older they’re just used to the idea that “bedtime means bedtime.” They’ll maybe walk out

I’m going to invoke Betteridge’s law here:

Terraria took literally hundreds of hours of my life when I first discovered it. Solid choice.

I haven’t played it yet, but I’m waiting for it to come to the Switch so I can take it on my next business trip. I’ve read amazing things about it and it’s killing me that it doesn’t have an official release date yet. They said “Early 2018.” THAT’S NOW. Want.

Go now. You’re needed elsewhere.

I, for one, love renting guns at the range. For something like $15 I can try as many different guns as they have in their rental case. I have guns of my own that I shoot occasionally (maybe once or twice a year), but part of the fun of going to an indoor range is the ability to rent guns to shoot that you wouldn’t

Accepting their point of view is different from agreeing with it. Remember when you were writing a persuasive essay in school and you had to give one point in support of the opposite view and then disassemble it? That’s the same thing here. Without the joke, the idea is to at the very least recognize that their view

Fair enough. Someone out there probably did need that clarification. You may have saved someone’s marriage today.

Fair enough. Someone out there probably did need that clarification. You may have saved someone’s marriage today.

It sucks having good ideas that will never be listened to. Well, keep up the good work. Someday hopefully reason will prevail.

Honestly? I don’t see a problem with that either. I know my post seems to push away from training/proficiency requirements but I actually support the idea wholeheartedly. The judgment of those who don’t train as much as other gun users is what I was mainly pushing against, because there are no such restrictions

I’ll concede that scenario makes perfect sense to me. If that’s what works for you, go for it.

So who gets to decide how much training is necessary before you’re allowed to say you have a gun for protection?

It’s an ice-breaker intended more for the benefit of the accused than the accuser. It’s an aid to help the person being accused not feel overly defensive about something small and unimportant. The discussion doesn’t immediately stop at the joke. It should be followed with “But seriously, I’m sorry. I’ll get it right

People always want to brag, show off or make some kind of status claim. Some are just more subtle at how they do it. It’s human nature.

I’ve never seen him before and I understood it without context. If you expect people to be idiots, they will be. If you expect people to keep it light, that’s what you’ll find.

I agree that people in sales and people in IT don’t need to know what each other make. But two people doing the same job in the same department could benefit from knowing. If nothing else, it would give someone who’s newer in the department an idea of where they could/should be at when they’ve been there as long as

The hesitation to talk about salary has always baffled me. I kind of get that people who make a lot of money don’t want to make others feel bad, or people who don’t make much don’t want to discuss how little they make because of embarrassment or whatever, but it’s totally counterproductive. I’ve become more open about

This is a great idea for superficial things, but at a fundamental level it doesn’t work.

If your relationship is already confrontational, yeah, this is not a good tactic. But if you’re working from a solid foundation of mutual understanding this can prevent a lot of arguments.