
Ok, here’s a meaty topic. I feel like the implementation of the Covfefe protocol could radically transform our foreign policy. Your thoughts?


There are pros and cons to both operating systems, but most people who use Macs are using them because of the status effect rather than a need for that particular OS or anything. They could surf the web just as well on a machine that costs a quarter what they paid.

Didn’t read the article, didja?

Ok, but why would this be a thing? Who would this be for? Surely their inventory management system is robust enough not to need to resort to these kinds of shenanigans. Is this a form of price discrimination to sell to the more price-aware consumer without driving away other potential buyers? It all sounds like

And I forgot to add this little gem:

It’s absolutely a status thing. Everyone knows there are no cheap Apple products, so owning one puts you in a subconscious category people have in their minds. I have a 13" MacBook Pro without the touch bar. It’s a gorgeous piece of hardware and the OS is pretty great. But if my work hadn’t been paying for it I never

You will never, ever convince me that it was worth $1400. Just not ever.

When the Black Eyed Peas did the halftime show for the Superbowl a few years ago I decided “Y’know what? They kinda suck.” Without all the studio equipment and auto-tune to fall back on it was horrible. I don’t ever intend to watch the video of her sing that because I already know how I’m gonna feel. “I’ve Got a

I’m a gun-owner and I’ll support a whole host of gun control laws, but only if they actually address an existing problem. People start shouting about gun control because they want to feel like they’re doing something. I get that. But let’s look at some laws that might actually make a difference. A small difference,

The thing about Apple that drives me nuts? The hypocrisy. Does anyone remember this commercial?

I use Android and MacOS, but I’d be on Windows if my work hadn’t issued me a MacBook Pro. Personally I like the USB-C charging capability. I can charge my phone and my laptop using the same cord, although at wildly different speeds. It would have been nice, though, if they had somehow added USB-C charging capability wi

I remember several years ago when the first wedge-shaped MacBook Air came out. One of my coworkers was preening over how small it was and how great it was at everything. Then she blurts out “And it only cost $1400!” She was so brainwashed that she actually thought that was a good deal for a laptop. But she’s never

For #5, why can’t I long-press on my wi-fi switch icon to be taken to my list of available networks? Same goes for bluetooth. Android figured this out years ago, but when I need to do stuff on my work-issued iPad it feels so clunky.

It’s also annoying when people at the top who have no clue want to push more Apple products in the enterprise: It works at my house they say.

Who said I have a brain? Did you just assume I have a brain, counselor?

Actually most of them were CFL when we moved in and I’ve since replaced them with LEDs as they burn out. Higher up-front cost, but cheaper in the long-run and better for the environment since CFLs are loaded with mercury, etc.

You have a law degree and you believe lawyers are the worst of society?


Your numbers are... Well they’re way, way off. I’m guessing you’ve dealt with lawyers mostly as someone being prosecuted or sued OR you’re basing your views entirely on stereotypes you picked up on TV. And that’s sad.