I’ve stiffed exactly one waiter on exactly one tip in my entire life. That doesn’t make me a cheap fuck. And that makes what you’re doing the very definition of wasting your time.
I’ve stiffed exactly one waiter on exactly one tip in my entire life. That doesn’t make me a cheap fuck. And that makes what you’re doing the very definition of wasting your time.
That. Is. Fantastic.
They were crammed into these cylinder vases with a bunch of pebbles and flower stems. They don’t need much room, but they do need some room. I felt really bad that so many died.
Agreed. Giving a kid a fish without clearing it with the parents first is like saying “Hey, you know all those conversations you were planning to have with your kid about responsibility, death, etc.? Well you’re having them all in the next month. You’re welcome.”
I love seeing how kids’ brains work. I love seeing it even more when they fail to.
I worked at a wedding venue and one of the weddings has betta fish in their centerpieces. At the end of the night I heard the family saying “Now go flush the fish down the toilet.” I stepped in and said “Please don’t. Just leave them and I’ll deal with it.”
I kind of tip based on how much I really want the freebie. If I get a $6 plate of something I might have ordered anyway, I’ll tip somewhere approaching the full price (never less than half, though). If it’s something they bring out of the blue that I really didn’t want I’ll throw an extra dollar or two on the tip.
I’m with you on this one. I’ve gotten a free drink here and there, and I basically tip almost the full value of the drink when that happens. I’m not a regular anywhere, but I’ve connected with the servers in one way or another and that sometimes results in a little free something-or-other. $6 appetizer gets like a $3…
Here’s the funny thing, though... You’ve spent just as much time on this as I have, but you weren’t even in the story. So by your reckoning you’ve spent seven days obsessing over a $3.00 tip from nearly three years ago that was withheld by someone you don’t know, from someone you don’t know.
I also was reminded of when my sister-in-law broke her nose. She went in to the hospital, they set it for her, and she walked out, all in a couple of hours. No big deal. Except she didn’t walk out. Hospital policy (as dictated by the lawyers and insurance adjusters) dictates that all discharged patients are escorted…
Already did. Have a nice life.
Does it? I doubt it.
Dude, calm down. Lawyers aren’t the worst in our society. Rapists, Nazis, and YouTube vloggers still exist. Slow your roll.
Tarantino has always come across as unhinged. Talented, but unhinged. This didn’t surprise me even the tiniest little bit.
Did you direct that comment at me for any reason in particular? Because it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with what I typed.
Total time spent typing? Like eight minutes.
So you’re asking how the largest data-gathering company with limitless resources whose servers your phone pings a thousand times a day with identifying information and who basically owns half of all the data on the planet is going to know who owns one of their phones?
“Nervous tic?”
Yeah, I’m betting you’re that last one.
That very well could be and makes a lot of sense. The ticket agent or whoever would probably see the flag and not know anything about why it’s there. They probably get 1000x more physically disabled people in a day than they do deaf ones, so they’d probably just grab a chair out of habit.