The fact that you keep referring to yourself as “a black man” only furthers my belief that you super aren’t a black man.
The fact that you keep referring to yourself as “a black man” only furthers my belief that you super aren’t a black man.
Professionalism. We aren’t all just people, we’re people who take on different roles based on if we’re at work, at home, at a ball game, at a bar... Not all behaviors are acceptable in every situation. Screaming your guts out to the point you spill a little beer is fine to do at the stadium, but your boss might have…
Take the bottom line and calculate off of that. ESPECIALLY if you’re drinking.
I think servers should make a decent wage and tipping should be reserved for truly excellent service rather than a crutch that allows restaurants to pay their workers nothing. Tips should be optional. Just raise the menu price and pay them better. There’s a small local fast-casual chain where I live that does that.…
I think of it like this: Would I rather be called “melanin impaired” or white? Would I rather someone call me “Korean impaired” or just “an English speaker?” Would I rather be called “musically impaired” or just “talentless?” Ok bad example on that one.
I would think you could make eye contact and ask them “Do you read lips?” Even a deaf person who doesn’t might at least know enough to recognize that phrase, then they could respond appropriately.
This is one of very few instances where I didn’t completely cringe at the use of the word “mansplaining,” but here where a non-signing non-linguist is trying to explain how ASL and the English language works to a signing linguist it seems to fit like a glove.
I can at least sort of mentally justify the airport offering a wheelchair. A deaf person may not hear the beeps from those electric cars zooming around so they wouldn’t know to get out of the way. They also might not hear a gate change announcement or other pertinent information made over the loudspeakers. Also having…
I read the title and thought “Oh great another preachy sermon on someth- Oh wait the author is actually deaf! Gonna read.”
Which is why my advice was for servers to learn to read the room. If she’s going to connect by making stupid jokes she should at least have the presence of mind to notice if they’re landing.
Honestly? I doubt you’re black. I doubt you care about a $3.00 tip. I think you just want to argue on the internet so you troll because you’re bored. Trouble is you aren’t very good at it.
Hmm... Seems like good motivation not to annoy your customers then, huh?
Yeah, why bring a child into the world during the great depression? Or the Cuban Missile Crisis? Or the Dark Ages? Or during the Revolution?
Why would you give an exceptional tip for average service? Do you pay your employees exceptional wages for average work?
I tip 15-20% for average service. Just-ask-your-momHEYOOOOOOOO!!!!!
It seems that changes when you’re faced with the rabidly pro-baby group. “It’s not for me” should be a perfectly acceptable reason not to have kids, but too many people push past that and try to engineer your life around to where you’ll have a kid, all in the span of a 30-second conversation.
My wife and I have friends who foster and I think it’s the most selfless thing a person can do. Having kids requires selflessness, too, but you’re also getting a child out of it who will presumably bless your life with grandkids or elder care in your later years. Fostering is all give and has the potential to bless…
“I can’t have kids.” Then maintain eye contact until they either change the subject or walk away.