
Hear hear! I’m a parent, but I would never want to pressure others into having kids because it genuinely is not for everyone. In fact the world would be a MUCH better place if only people who genuinely and deeply wanted children had them. Too many people are pressured into it and then resent their kids for decades

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you don’t want kids more than you’ve wanted anything else in your life, don’t have them. There are lots and lots of positive things you can contribute to the world and only one of them is having children. Also, conveniently, you’ll generally give up most of those things

If it’s procreation then you have to do someone else. FYI. Good luck.

Having children can be either the most selfish or the most selfless thing a person ever does. There are far more of the former than there are of the latter, so I’ll chalk your cynicism up to observation bias.

My suggestion is that if both you and your partner aren’t in it 110% then please don’t have kids. If you are both at the same level then don’t let anything stop you.

Your husband is wise, as are you. There’s always something major to be scared of. When World War I hit people literally thought it was the end of the world. Same with WWII. The cold war had everyone convinced nukes were flying in the next five minutes (just like now with N. Korea).

I’m going to reiterate what someone else already said. If you don’t want kids more than you’ve ever wanted anything else in your entire life, DON’T HAVE KIDS. There are already too many parents who probably shouldn’t be. Whether it’s social pressure, biological pressure, or just fear of missing out, none of those are

I tipped over 30% (I usually round up) just last week because the server was super fast, friendly, and dealt with an issue we had very professionally. We left happy, so she did, too.

What do you think?

AMEN. Hotel loyalty programs are the equivalent of free undercoating on your new car. Late checkout, faster wi-fi, etc. are nice and all, but it would take a lot more than that to equal the value of a free night’s stay in my mind. I’ve racked up a number of free nights from work as well and I don’t think I’ll ever use

I use because I get free nights. My work pays for my hotel rooms, so a better rate isn’t really an incentive for me, but I get to keep the free nights I earn. If more hotel chains offered perks like that I might stop using 3rd Party sites. Problem is I have to use the same chain over and over to get the

I didn’t know another hug was forthcoming, Jennifer. OF COURSE I want another hug! I love the feel of your beer belly against my man-breasts.

You can think that all you want. You’d be wrong, but you can think that.

She has to pay taxes on money she didn’t receive? You may need a new tax guy.

Wrong again, me bucko!

Hahaha joke’s on you. I paid with Canadian money!

Do you feel better now? Did you put the mean internet stranger in his place?

Well she did! She and I made sweet, sweet love for close to twenty seconds! Now cower over my keyboard tough-guy cred!

I said maaaaaaybe shut up about it. Maybe.

Bro. BRO. Bruh. Brrrrrrrroh. Relax.