
Oooh, now we’re going after hypothetical parental disappointment! Noice. Ok, well something something your mom and how I slept with her something something. Take THAT you big internet mean-guy! Also something about the size of your dick and how you’re probably the milk-man’s kid! Yeah! I’m officially tough on the

I don’t fault her for trying. I fault her for not paying close enough attention to realize her jokes were irritating me. If she’d made the joke one, two, even five times and then quit I wouldn’t have been bothered. It’s that she consistently failed to recognize basic human body language and facial cues. As I said in

I was “burnt up” to the tune of $3.00. And yes, I did a good thing.

What are chancres?

Have you ever owned a thesaurus? I’m guessing no. Or maybe it’s Tourette’s?

You hope a lot of things, and all of them negative in my observation. What did you come here hoping to accomplish? Should I tip servers who bother me? Are you trying to change my mind? Should I track her down and pay her back the $3.00 I “stiffed” her? What’s your end game, mister? Just wanna rage around online and

I already said I’d mail her the $3.00 plus interest. Obviously that won’t make you feel any better (and obviously I’m not going to do it anyway because I’m a miserable piece of shit), but have you ever thought that maybe $3.00 from almost four years ago isn’t worth risking a cardiovascular event? Talk to your doctor

I had a teacher in elementary school who would answer most questions with “Look it up.” Never when it related to the lesson at hand, but if someone asked some tangential question she would answer with “Look it up” and point to the rack with the dictionaries and encyclopedias on it. And she was serious. She would

Aw... I’m sorry that whatever is happening in your life leads you to a point where raging at strangers online over a $3.00 tip from almost four years ago seems to be the healthiest outlet for your frustration. I don’t know if that frustration is professional, social, sexual, or otherwise, but I hope whatever it is

I disagree. Isn’t it wonderful that we can both have opinions and live our lives the way we choose? Tell ya what... I’ll track down the waitress and mail her the $3.00 plus interest. Feel better?

Wow, there are a lot of people with pent-up rage issues on this comments section today. I withheld $3.00 because she repeated a joke that was unfunny and annoying the first time and downright grating the 10th time. I guarantee that if my story had been “I tipped a waitress but told her to stop making an annoying joke”

Dude. I withheld $3.00 from a server who repeatedly did a thing that annoyed me. I didn’t murder her dog and set her car on fire. Relax a little.

My tip is to not annoy the people who give you the majority of your paycheck.

Not really. Not tipping because the kitchen is backed up is a bad reason not to tip. Not tipping because the restaurant is busy and she’s overworked trying to serve five more tables than she usually does is a bad reason not to tip. Those things are outside her control. Not tipping because of something that is entirely

She won’t miss her rent because I didn’t tip her the $3.00 my meal warranted. What she might do is learn from the experience and earn more tips in the future by not being annoying. All around the service was a little slow but her attitude annoyed me, so I withheld literally three dollars to get my message across.

I’m often in a similar situation. I dine alone when I travel for work so sometimes servers try to strike up conversations with me. I just politely turn the conversation back toward meal-related things. “So, any big plans for the weekend?” “Not really. Hey, could I get some more water, please?” After a couple of tries

Now playing

Why can’t we forget Chipotle? I seriously don’t get people’s obsession with it. It’s not very good. I think people are finally waking up from the hypemare.

Anything a person brings into a relationship with the partner’s knowledge is not something the partner should try to change. If she likes to smoke weed and he doesn’t like that he needs to move on if it’s that big a deal. There are literally billions of people on the planet, so quit wasting time trying to change this

Check out “8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown” or “Would I Lie To You” on YouTube.

I’ve been saying this for a while, too. We need to hear accusations and take them seriously. That doesn’t mean we automatically have to believe them all. You can take someone seriously while still looking for proof. Cops, judges, lawyers, etc. all work that way (ideally). They don’t have to believe a victim in order