Maeve... Maeve... I keep saying it in my head and it sounds awesome. Hope you can not give it to a cat long enough to give it to a daughter.
Maeve... Maeve... I keep saying it in my head and it sounds awesome. Hope you can not give it to a cat long enough to give it to a daughter.
I’m right there with you. Glad others have a positive view of the name, too!
My grandmother was named Ruth so my sister named a daughter Ruth after her. She’s been Ruthie since she was born and it totally suits her.
It’s crazy. Soon people will finally realize it’s been overdone and they’ll bring out the weird spellings. Prepare to meet little Noahe, Noeh, Nowah, and Knowa at the park.
Noah freaking blew up and every last one of them will forever have to use a middle name or a last initial because they’re going to have six other Noah’s around them wherever they go.
How would you pronounce Maeve? Honestly that’s one of the coolest looking girl names I’ve ever seen. I’m curious how it sounds.
Hah! That’s awesome! Congrats on the imminent relationship upgrade! My wife and I actually had our honeymoon booked before I even popped the question. There’s no wrong way to do it if you know it’s right, my friend!
Seriously. My wife told me a friend of hers named their daughter Ireland. I thought “Oh, that’s kinda cool!” Nope. Turns out they spelled it (and I am not joking) Eyrlynde.
Old lady names are on the rise. Ruby, Opal, etc. My wife and I were 50/50 going to name our daughter Mabel (which I still maintain is a cute name), but we settled on Alba. It means “Dawn” in Spanish (which I speak), and it’s uncommon enough that she’ll probably not have three others in her class with the same name,…
ALL of this. My wife and I have three kids and tried really hard not to fall into the common traps mentioned by you and Michelle W. We didn’t want our kids to be one of a dozen in their class with their same name, but we also didn’t want to doom them to spelling and/or explaining it to everyone they meet for the next…
All I know is I found a channel that uploaded every episode of Would I Lie to You and I’m loving it. None of the usual distortion or trickery. I don’t know why they’re all still up but they are.
Wasn’t the Sultan in Aladdin voiced by the British actor Douglas Seale? Also Rafiki from Lion King had a very not-American accent. If we dug we could find just as many foreign protagonists as they found foreign antagonists. The whole premise has very first-year-college-student blinders on. Interesting premise, but if…
So people who value you as a friend or relative would just cut you out of their lives because they couldn’t contact you using iMessage?
I do. Work-issued computer. It’s more common than you’d think. Heck, my brother-in-law is an Android developer and his main computer is a MBP. He does all his development on it. Weird to think there are people different from you, huh?
I’m gonna cite Betteridge’s law here. If there were proof, the title would be a statement. I’m not saying it’s untrue (because it’s probably true, let’s be honest). I’m just reminding everyone that Betteridge’s law is a good one to keep in mind.
This is why I’ve always said that “Believe all victims” should be replaced with “Take accusations seriously.” There’s a middle ground between “She’s probably making it up” and “Lynch the accused.” Yes, women who fake these accusations are few and far between, but they do exist. So let’s take their accusations…
I don’t think the article’s title matches it’s content. Sure, if the article had gone on to discuss a study that found kids growing up with those media influences experienced markedly higher levels of distrust for foreigners maybe the title would apply. Instead the article starts off with the title “What kids learn…
“Ana Gasteyer was just too much...” YES. I think it was her character that primarily drove me away from the show. I enjoy aggressively weird. I’ve seen most episodes of Monty Python’s Flying Circus, I must have laughed myself to tears more than a dozen times at Don Hertzfeldt’s “Rejected,” and most other experimental…
That’s exactly why I stopped trying to love it. After a few episodes I said to myself “There are tens of thousands of hours of other things I could be watching. Why am I trying so hard to like this?” The answer was because I think Maria Bamford’s standup comedy is nothing short of brilliant. She’s one of my top 5…
I love Maria Bamford’s comedy, but I could not get into her show at all. I think the over-the-top profanity turned me off to it as well as the somewhat meandering plot-lines. I may revisit the show in a couple of years and relate to it better then, but after a couple of tries when season one came out and another…