
My experience is my experience. I’m not denying that harassment exists. I know it does. I’ve never seen it, though, in all my years on the many different construction sites I’ve done work on. That is the extent of my comment. I’ve never seen it and so painting the whole industry as virulently toxic to women is a bit

Your experience differs from mine and I won’t discount your experience, but sexism exists everywhere as we’ve seen from all the stories of harassment and assault in the news recently. I haven’t seen or heard of any such behaviors in my considerable experience with construction so I take issue with the industry being

I’ve worked on construction sites for years and never seen any disrespect shown to the women who worked there. One of the superintendents on a job I worked was a woman and she did a great job. I never once heard or saw anything disrespectful of her or other women on the job. The assumption that blue collar work is

Not only do you not sell, you BUY to get lots of stock at a major discount. Dollar cost averaging ftw.

Is he wrong, though?

Isn’t Social Security a forced savings plan of sorts? Are you proposing we do away with Social Security so people have more money in their pockets?

To LW3: I want to believe what you’re saying, but laying the blame 100% on him sends up a red flag in my head. He does a thing, then you point out to him that you don’t like that thing. I’m sure in your mind the way you’re pointing it out to him seems very reasonable, but consider for a moment that it’s not that way.

I’m very sad to hear that. He was an entertainer in the purest sense. He brought energy and cheer to everything he did and I think the author’s description of him was spot on.

HAH! You’re the first person to even comment on it! Glad it didn’t go completely unnoticed. Also I love that gif.

THANK YOU. Not many people understand that most situations are in shades of gray rather than black and white. He’s a dick, no doubt, but should she really be allowed to discriminate based on gender? Yes, she can advertise it as a girl’s night show all she wants, but if a man buys a ticket it seems he is legally

I agree. The thing is I don’t get the impression that planning activities is their main beef. It seems like she wants him to reply immediately when she texts him, but that’s just not how he does things. I think she needs to think long and hard about how important this is to her relative to how she feels about the

Make it happen, Cap’n.

“The Democratic Party is Yours. Take it.”

Get out of here with your facts and citations! This is not the place for rational thought! There’s only room here for pure catharsis via name-calling and stroking our collective superiority complex!

Get used to being labeled based on your geography around here. It happens a lot, as I’m sure you’ve seen. I also live in the Midwest and didn’t vote for Trump because he’s a repugnant, vile douchebag who would literally be a dictator already in any country with less restrictive checks and balances.

Kudos for having a rational, well-considered position on a forum that generally despises such things. I agree that some people will never change, but most people can be reached. The problem is that no one listens to the people who disagree with them, so the people who disagree with them will never listen back. It’s

Public service announcement:

What made anyone think this would be a good idea? Seriously, give one of your guests a bottle like this and watch as wave upon wave of confusion rolls over their face. They’re trying to figure out what they’re supposed to do with it while simultaneously stifling the instinct to blurt out “What a stupid idea.”

“Do you think she’s told him about her medications yet?”

My instinct was to correct your use of the term “assault rifle” because almost no one uses it properly, but I realized you actually do seem to know what you’re talking about, and I agree. No one needs full-auto. It’s barrels of fun, sure, but bump stocks and gat cranks and similar devices should be regulated with the