Those are hard to summon on command, but with proper meal planning it can be done. I’m on board.
Those are hard to summon on command, but with proper meal planning it can be done. I’m on board.
Instant communication is the addiction of this day and age. Why make plans when you can wing it? It takes 5 seconds to tell 20 people where and when to meet, so why plan anything in advance? She wants him to text back right away but that’s now how he operates. She can either find a solution that works for both of them…
Get everything in writing. Any communication about projects should be done by email or at least as an emailed followup to a verbal conversation. If you’re doing the bulk of the work you’ll have a paper trail. Office politics rarely survive documented scrutiny.
I would never say something is impossible, but slightly exaggerate the budget and timeline for the solution so when you come in under budget and ahead of schedule you look brilliant. I just did this at work and it paid off big-time because it looked like I saved the company several thousand dollars when in reality I…
I think that kind of goes with “Present solutions, not problems.” Rarely should you ever approach a supervisor hoping they’ll fix a problem for you. Instead you should be asking for approval to implement a solution to a problem you’ve identified. If one of them had come up with a schedule and said “Can we make this…
Excellent strategy for a lot of reasons. One of those is that if something goes wrong and it wasn’t your fault, people will believe you because you have a history of owning your mistakes rather than blaming others. The big takeaway, though, is to have a solution or plan in place when you own up. Like you said, though,…
LW1: If you’d rather not hear from him at all than get his sporadic texts, just STOP TEXTING HIM. That’s an easy way to get to a better situation. If he asks why you stopped texting him just be honest: The irregular replies were bothering you for some reason and you decided to see if not texting would make you feel…
Well said. My perspective, though, is that something can be 100% legal but morally gray. The ADA lawsuits I mentioned make a lot of sense when the letter of the law is taken into account, but there are situations where people are being sued for tens of thousands of dollars over a half-inch too-narrow doorway. I don’t…
Don’t ask her to stop directly (she might start doing it out of immature, rebellious spite)
My suggestion would be to tell her how it makes you feel, but instead of asking her to stop (which the article says not to do, then says to do for some reason), just tell her “I wanted to make you aware. You can do whatever you want with that information.”
Winner. Everyone else go home because this would really, totally work for almost 100% of people.
So do you support this guy and his lawsuit against the girls’ night show?
Let’s separate the issues here. There’s a law that may be violated, then there’s a douchebag and his douchetorney exploiting the law for personal gain.
“And then she sat her flat ass into her car and drove her A-cup tits to the nearest pub to find a new boyfriend.”
What if they don’t want their bread to crystallize? The fact is the peanut butter thing is only going to appeal to a small group of people, but everyone’s acting like it’s the stupidest thing since the solar-powered flashlight rather than the niche tip that it is.
Don’t play Monopoly, people. Seriously DON’T. The problem with Monopoly is that when you start losing it only gets worse and worse, but it can take another hour before the game is actually over so you just see yourself sinking slowly into the quagmire created by your bad decisions and unlucky dice rolls. By the end of…
Might as well list driving to work, buying a new jacket, or shoveling snow as life hacks, imo.
But are they constitutionally defensible? I’m all for having fun at the range and I have my Glock 43 on me every day of my life, but I’ll also support banning bump stocks for the same reasons we ban full-auto rifles. And yes, I know full-autos aren’t actually “banned,” but they may as well be for how hard they would…
“I don’t like it so you’re not allowed to like it either.” - The Internet