
Parents get old. They spent the last 20+ years centering their lives around you and now they just want to relax. Was it fun for them to change diapers, go to screechy band concerts, drive you everywhere, worry sick about you every day, etc.? No. But they did. Return the favor by not insisting they be every bit as

I have to laugh every time I read an article like this. “I’m not judging. I mean, girl power and own your sexuality and whatnot but [INSERT JUDGMENT].” Just because someone says they aren’t judging doesn’t negate the judging that immediately follows.

does Apple release patches for older OS versions?

If I were independently wealthy I would see all the big sites as quickly as possible (Stonehenge, the pyramids, Rome, etc.) then settle into this very routine as quickly as possible. And the only reason I’d see the sites is to avoid the inevitable “You should see the world!” conversations. “Done it. I prefer the

My entire backpack is one big tech Go Bag. I always have:

I’m by no means a punk music connoisseur, but Streetlight Manifesto’s cover of Such Great Heights gives me the best goosebumps every time.

I think the problem is thinking that “10s” are a thing. Assigning numbers to people is the sign of a narrow mind. Anyone who talks like that with anything less than the deepest of sarcasm should be avoided, imo.

One thing I used to do in situations like that was to make a joke out loud to myself about the situation we were both in, whatever it was. If she laughed I could tell she was paying attention to me and it would be a chance to talk to her. If not I’d back off.

I think the problem is that some guys get so nervous about the approach that they lose all sense of nuance. Self-assured guys are, ironically, more likely to handle rejection with grace. And I’m not talking about bros with 20 pickup lines ready to fire at a moment’s notice. I mean guys who are secure enough with who

The whole idea of a “10" is at the root of this guy’s problem. Assigning a number to people is a terrible way to go through life, and the quickest road to misery in the dating game. I’ll freely admit I thought my wife was beautiful when I first met her, but it was in a context where we got to know each other really

There are about a billion reasons someone isn’t up for meeting new people and none of them have anything to do with you as an individual.

There are about a billion reasons someone isn’t up for meeting new people and none of them have anything to do with you as an individual.

I heard it just once from a nephew and we addressed THAT toot sweet.

“Hi, my name is so-and-so. I saw you from across the room. I think you’re beautiful and I’d like to get to know you. Could I buy you a drink sometime?”

Because some people have never seen them. That’s kind of the point.

I remember stumbling on this feature watching a Disney movie with the kids. We tried it out not knowing what we were in for.

I’ve long been listening to Netflix shows, but only show’s I’ve seen before. Usually 90's+ sitcoms like Frasier or That 70's Show. Anything I’m familiar with so I won’t be missing out by not seeing the on-screen action. I’ll have to check out these Audio Descriptions.

I’m seeing plenty of talk about how to sign up, but I want to know WHY. Why on earth would you want to dip your kid into the putrid bog of social media even earlier? I’ve been on Facebook once in the last six years. I’ve never had an instagram, twitter, or whatever else account. I just genuinely don’t get it. In a