
They make security cameras that do that exact thing and I think it’s freaking brilliant. Wireless devices are hobbled by their dependence on running power cables, so using existing sockets in convenient places is a genius move. Smart devices doing the same is even better. Sign me up.

Where do you live that it’s acceptable to just paint over outlets and switches? I’ve lived in some rough neighborhoods in my day, but never seen anyone care THAT little.

I might have exaggerated about what comprises “oldies” nowadays, but it was a shock to realize that the music being released when I was a kid is now as old as the oldies were when I was a kid. I’ll still always consider “oldies” to be 60's music, maybe early 70's but that’s as far as I’ll go.

That’s why it rarely pays off to be an early adopter. There’s always the chance you end up like the poor folks who invested in HD-DVD.

That article would get 20 million views in the first day. Also 500 million angry comments. But that’s only like 20 more angry comments than the rest of the Jez articles get, so I’d call it a net gain.

Good to know. Sounds like it’s more along the lines of the early-release Echoes in terms of what it can do. Basic voice interactions and not much else.

I never felt the need to invest in smart home anything because it was all so expensive and proprietary and difficult. Nowadays everything talks to everything and the apps make it basically foolproof to get things running. Still, though, I don’t have any smart home appliances beyond a Philips Hue kit my work gave me so

Haha! Yeah, 3rd Eye Blind was the soundtrack to my early high school experience. Funny how things come full circle sometimes.

Good question. No idea.

I can’t wait to hear my kids talk about this awesome old band they heard of called Good Charlotte. It’s a wonder our parents didn’t just kill us all in our sleep.

That would be cool! Eventually I could see some real estate decisions will come down to which ecosystem the previous owners adopted, Google, Amazon, or Apple. If you’re having to replace a dozen light switches/fixtures/appliances because they don’t interact with the ecosystem you’re invested in it could be a deal

Ecobee has a thermostat that doubles as an Alexa device. Not just compatible, but an actual full-function Echo built into it. I think that’s where this is all going. Standalone devices like this will only be around for a couple more years, IMO. They’ll just bake the device into things you’re already buying like a

Oh noes! An industry that objectifies and commodifies women is churning out the type of garbage that would say the n-word! Shocking!

Got it. There’s a facility near where I grew up that uses the abbreviation MTC, and as a kid I always assumed it was Empty Sea when said aloud. Just wondered if we were neighbors!

Haha! I’ve been binge-watching Frasier and marveling at how well it holds up. Just finished Friends a few weeks ago with the wife. Well said, all of it.

Do you also only read 5-star reviews on Amazon? Are dissenting opinions never valuable? Imagine if he’d started with “I didn’t like the first one” and then given this one a glowing 10/10 review. That would have said a lot. Same goes for “I didn’t like the first one and this one is even worse.” This review is exactly

I’m right there with you. I have 3 kids, a wife, and a job all competing for my time and attention, so I’ll get maybe a couple of hours per week to play and I want them to count. Big games like this leave me flailing around trying to remember where I was going, what I was doing, etc. and by the time I’m back on track

THANK YOU for saving me 60 bucks and a few hours of time. I almost picked this up but had seen enough middling first impressions across the internet that I held off. This review solidified my decision.

In a fictional universe where a flick of your finger can vaporize a city, yes this super important detail is true.