If you take a syringe full of Asian blood and inject it into your neck, do your eyes change shape?
If you take a syringe full of Asian blood and inject it into your neck, do your eyes change shape?
She looks like Kirsten Dunst in that header image. I can’t shake it.
Starred for the one-two punch in “bereft of frippery.”
“You’re bad.”
Calling to get a truck towed only works if the truck is parked illegally. Tow companies won’t just tow a vehicle for no reason. That’s why it’s not illegal: because it is explicitly legal.
Totally unrelated: empty sea = MTC?
Isn’t this movie about highlighting the abuse and terrible circumstances that led up to the whole thing? Seems like it might be a bit redemptive, what with calling out the audience for participating in the eternal castigation of someone who got such a raw deal.
Honestly it’s probably just a paycheck. I’m betting she’s been shopping around her story for years in the hope of getting one more person to pay to get it made. I mean what else is a washed-up ex-figure skater with no job skills and no money in the bank going to do with her life?
Nostalgia, plain and simple. The target audience for movie theaters now were kids or very young adults when this story happened. Same reason video game companies are making a killing on repackaging their back catalog of games. Same reason 90's fashion is back in full force right now. It’s just old enough to be cool.
It’s like he made up a vaguely-Italian name to try to lend himself mafia street-cred.
Starred for using the word “oeuvre.”
You’re doing a good thing. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
I can’t believe Netflix has been around long enough to have “watched it on Netflix years ago.” Am I an old?
LW1: For maybe the second time ever, Jane’s advice is pretty much spot on. You gotta take care of yourself. It seriously sounds like Stockholm Syndrome. You’re attached to these people because you’re used to being controlled, manipulated, etc. and it’s terrifying to think about striking out completely on your own.
Reminds me of episodes of Hoarders where the crazy cat ladies have 60+ cats living in their home, but they’re all sick, dying, disease-ridden, feral, miserable creatures. “But I love cats!” No, you just hate being alone. You actually don’t care about cats that much.
Yeah, what ARE the rules for getting out of the greys? I’ve been reading and commenting on Gawkmodo websites for years and never understood. Halp?
I’m a grade-A pedant when it comes to typos, grammar, spelling, etc., but I turn it down (or off, if I can manage it) when the communication is informal. At work I proofread religiously. Anything over a sentence or two gets tons of edits, rereads, etc. On comment boards or informal emails I maybe give it a once-over…
Young age should be a consideration, but it shouldn’t be a universal roadblock. My wife was 19 when we got married. Ok, she was like 10 days shy of 20, but I still had a teenage bride. Anyway, we’ve been married 10 years now, have three kids, and are more in love now than we’ve ever been. Not everyone is ready for…