Hello again! The incessant screaming of “I’M REAL” is only further convincing me of the opposite.
Hello again! The incessant screaming of “I’M REAL” is only further convincing me of the opposite.
And as it is such, so also as such is it unto you.
It’s possible for every single woman in this situation to be simultaneously telling the truth. It’s not one or the other. Stop it with the binary thinking.
It’s natural to stand up for someone you know as a good person. But there’s a time and a place. Their response of solidarity was misguided.
There are predators everywhere, right and left. Political stance doesn’t seem to have anything to do with this sort of behavior so it’s amusing to see so many people trying to dismiss this because “The GOP blah blah...” Yeah, the GOP is trash. Given. That doesn’t dismiss the fact that this guy did a thing.
“Believe all victims” is a terrifying and dangerous viewpoint to espouse.
Is it impossible to write an article like this without all the self-flagellation? We get it, you’re white, but you don’t need to scream “I RECOGNIZE I’M PART OF THE PROBLEM” in every paragraph.
Exactly. Some people are swinging way out to both extremes over this article when it’s really very simple. Don’t criticize a normal, healthy vagina. If it’s abnormal or unhealthy be very very kind, understanding, and above all tactful about bringing it up.
And piss play-doh, yes.
She was cited as a source and shared her experience. Even she admits it’s anecdotal, but the whole point of the article is that men are potentially harming women by insulting their normal, healthy genitalia. Why should she be expected to couch her experiences to be “less inflammatory” when the whole POINT is that it’s…
No, our power grid isn’t anywhere near prepared for a large-scale EMP. A good friend of mine is an electrical engineer that works at a power company and he said an EMP (most likely from a solar flare) would fry transformers and could take a long, long time to repair. Short of putting a faraday cage around basically…
Let me sum this up. She is an OB/GYN. She specializes in one specific field. Her scope of work doesn’t include your, my, or anyone else’s penis. Why are you expecting a medical professional to comment on things outside her scope of work? It’s asinine and I get the feeling you’re being purposely obtuse.
Tsundere Grim Reaper.
So ultimately your entire beef with this article comes down to not using the pronouns you think are appropriate? The main thrust of the article is that men are doing this to women based on the experiences of a medical professional whose specialty is dealing with such situations. The reason she uses such language is…
Solid waste? No no no. High-pressure rainbow mist is more accurate.
That’s crap. Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I’ll keep an eye out.