
I have a mega-douche for a boss so I’ve been forced to find a whole new level of zen that I ride on throughout the day. It often manifests as increased patience with people like that. I’ve got plenty of misanthropy in me, but people who at least appear polite and civil usually avoid triggering it.

Haha There should be some kind of disclaimer for comments like that. Just like we have Spoiler Alerts and TL;DR. Maybe DR;CA (didn’t read; commenting anyway)?

He’s making a genuine point, he’s just totally misguided. I’ve actually been that guy before. “Why not talk about both sides? Why only talk about X instead of X and Y!?” Some people set me straight a few years ago and I’m hoping to do the same for him. No, he’ll never post “Y’know what? I’m being a butt. My bad.” But

Ah crap! How did I miss that? It popped up in the drop-down banner at the top of the page. Why is it pushing 4-year-old articles like that?

I hear your concern, but this article wasn’t designed to benefit you as a man. It was written for women about an issue that affects women. And it does affect them. Yes, men get shamed for their genitals as well, but this article was pretty clearly targeted toward women. Imagine reading an article about prostate cancer

All cars are beaters

I think the point of the article is that women are being told by their SO to do something about their normal, healthy vaginal situation. It’s like a woman being badgered by her boyfriend to get a boob job or tummy tuck. It’s not them breaking up with you, but it should prompt you to break up with them.

What the hell am I supposed to say?

The point of the article is to highlight something pointed out by a professional in women’s genitalia. Not every article has to explore all sides of every topic. These are data points intended to make up a small part of your world view, not all-encompassing blankets intended to be your world view. Take this article

This is just a guess based on the original comment, but I think it means a smell that can be corrected.

Keep in mind: The opposite of this is not always true.

It is true. It’s also true that only a few brand/color combinations actually taste good. Crayola Goldenrod and Salmon, and Roseart Very Berry. Still looking for more, though.

hah lulz

lol yeah


Wow. You went to school with some real dicks. One of the greatest women I’ve ever met was named Linda.

Anytime I hear the word “linda” I imagine this girl I knew who always used to say “Aaaaay, que liiiiindaaaa!”

Worst offender I’ve seen:

Just for you. Aaaaaand some other guy I used that gif on. But mostly for you.