
I hate it when bad people ruin good names! I have an ancestor named Coulson and I thought that sounded awesome. My wife worked with a guy whose last name was Coulson so she vetoed that. Then she wanted to name one of our boys after an ex-boyfriend. I vetoed that right in the face.

You are my hero.

My wife and I had our first girl this year. Picking a name was TOUGH because we didn’t want her to be one of 8 girls with that name in her class at school, but we didn’t want to curse her to a life of spelling her name for everyone she ever meets. Eventually my wife found a name from a movie she liked. We didn’t know

Artists from that era had some weird ideas about the human body, for sure. That picture is just so off-putting. Glad they changed it, even if I don’t like Starbucks at all.

FYI, an advertised price isn’t an obligation. It’s legally considered an invitation to negotiate. You may want to pick a more legally-sound bait story or just leave out the words “by law” since it’s not a legal issue (just trust me on this).

Well I hope she’s ok.

It’s not some be-all end-all solution, but knowing more about yourself and your partner is always a good thing and this is an easy step in that direction.

Haha thanks!

Haha I’ve actually started looking forward to your posts. It’s interesting to see how far troll accounts will go to get a rise out of people. Seems like your limit is a ways off still. The only question left is are you one of the ones that will finally admit it after enough time has passed or are you dedicated enough

How many grownup virgins approved drawing her boobs like that? They’re practically growing out of her armpits.

I know what I’m about, son.

I think I overcooked mine because they tasted terrible.

This is one of only a few games I would gladly pick up on a new console even if the only improvements were graphical. Playing the Prime Trilogy on the Switch would be unreal and I would buy it day one.

As opposed to the trainers who find animals in the wild, beat them to literally within an inch of their life, cram them into a ball, and only let them out when it’s time to fight their brethren?

Tangent Warning: I played every Pokemon generation from red/blue up through the GBA SP era. I never got a DS and just recently bought a 3DS. I figured picking up Pokemon again would be awesome! I was wrong. For some reason I just cannot enjoy it. I’ve only tried for a couple of hours, but the visual style seems to

All I can say is that I’ve been married very happily for ten years and your attitude is completely inconsistent with happy long-term relationships. You’re playing the victim and, thus, you’ll always be the victim.

That was my whole point. Treat people like people. Insert whatever job title you want right there.