
The proper answer to “Do these pants make my butt look fat?” is “Yes” followed by continued eye contact and a shrug. They’ll interpret it however they want to, but they won’t ever ask you again.

Specificity is a great tool in all aspects of a relationship. It’s doubly-applicable here. Well said.

My wife knows that if she asks me a question she’s going to get an honest answer. She’ll often ask me “Does this shirt work with these pants” or “What do you think of these shoes?” I just tell her straight up what I’m thinking. Usually it’s “You look great! I like it!” because she has way better fashion sense than I

Thank you for your kind words! Yes, it’s easy to offend if you aren’t aware of the people around you. I’ve been married for ten years and was never the type to hook up with people from work even before that. I guess I just never considered work a place to flirt with people.

Mmm... Read more.

Do you regularly carry a gun on your person? Have you ever had to use it to defend yourself/your family? If so, can you describe the situation? If not, what kind of situation do you envision yourself needing it in?

All the Photoshop is oozing out of my laptop speakers now. Thanks a lot.

THANK YOU. That is one of the best unsung heroes living in the Switch. No boot time, no menu navigation. You hit a button and you’re playing again. People without a Switch won’t ever understand just exactly how amazing that is, especially for people with lives outside of gaming. I’m lucky if I squeeze in an hour per

If all you want is power then stick to PC. The Switch is doing something unique. Don’t like it? Don’t buy one. Just don’t come on here pretending it makes no sense when they’re basically printing money with the thing.

I kinda liked that episode because of all the pranks being read off one after the other. But it was a turning point in Jim’s character. He had a chance for real growth, but without the Jim/Dwight rivalry the show was just Steve Carell playing Steve Carell in front of some set dressing. Once Jim and Pam got together

Oh, and did I mention the ham-fisted ways they start reminding you that it’s all a documentary? It’s all super on-the-nose and obvious. It really is a shame such a good show ended in such a death spiral with that final wet fart of a finale. If you ever liked The Office it’s probably worth watching once. If you were

Glad to hear that. As far as touching goes I’m actually far more stand-offish than my coworkers. The company president’s wife is a hugger, as are several of the female branch managers when I go to visit. I don’t mind it, I’m just never the one to initiate.

At this point I don’t even care that it’s a troll account. You’re showing signs of mental instability and your inability to let this go and the fact that you continue hurling insults at a fellow human being over what in reality would be pennies makes me think you’re actually a more talented troll than I originally

James Spader as Robert California was truly a sight to behold, but in the interest of a clean ending yes, I think it should have had a series finale based around Carell leaving. But you know the networks would never have gone for that.

I think you and I are on the same page there. I’m a gun owner, but I support a TON of restrictions on gun ownership that make me very unpopular with other gun owners. The Constitution is not a dead document, it just needs to be updated as the world changes around it.

There were high points after the wedding, but yeah it should have been condensed down to basically end there. They tried to add that same “Will they, won’t they” dynamic back with Andy and Angela, then Andy and Erin, then Erin and Plop. It just never worked, though. Once they realized that they had to refocus on PB&J

Fair enough.

I have twin pre-k boys and a 6-month-old girl. My wife loves dressing our girl in frills and bows and everything she never did with our boys. But she also loves the idea of our girl getting trucks and science kits for Christmas when she’s older. We’ve decided she’ll get whatever she’s interested in with minimal

You’re doing great, by the sound of it, and I like all your advice as I’m raising a daughter with twin older brothers. Most of our toys are trucks, trains, dinosaurs, sea creatures, etc. because that’s what our boys wanted. They also have a play kitchen and shopping carts that they adore. Hopefully we can stay out of