
I look at it more as confirmation by the opposition. If even Fox News, who hates the Clintons with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns is willing to say there’s nothing to the story it seems like it might be the truth. Same goes if a far left-wing media outlet said “Ok, here’s what our investigation turned up

As much as I dislike the Clintons for myriad reasons, the minute Fox News ran a piece saying “No story here. Move along,” that made me think “Ok, I’m over it.” Seriously, if the news agency that’s infamous for making mountains out of molehills regarding anything to do with Democrats is saying there’s nothing to the


“Rip-off” =/= “same premise”

I agree. The executives are what turned The Office from a national phenomenon into the husk of what it should have been. It went from “sharp, tight comedy” to “live-action cartoon sitcom” somewhere around season 5 or 6.

Probably HR.

You don’t have to believe a victim outright in order to take their accusation seriously, and taking them seriously is the best course of action. I get the motivation to “believe all victims,” but it puts everyone on shaky ground because of how it can tint people’s view on the matter. A cop, detective, lawyer, or judge

Being a man is not the problem. Being a scumbag is the problem. You don’t have to be ashamed of being a man, just resolve never to be a scumbag. I’m proud to be a man because a real man would never treat another person like this. The “I’m ashamed on behalf of my gender” thing is, ironically, part of the problem

I gotta say I kinda liked the IGN EVP’s response. Short and to the point. A clear-cut plan and transparency throughout is how more of these situations should be handled. I get that his response was probably coached endlessly by HR and the legal team, but still I thought it was pretty good considering the circumstances.

Artificial diamonds are better than real ones for industrial applications, from what I understand. Also they aren’t controlled by one family who’s able to set prices wherever they want them.

Is it a rip-off when some of a show’s creators are the ones doing it?

VERY true. The Office should have died an ignominious death long before it did.

I attribute one of my college girlfriends directly to what I call “The Jim & Pam Effect.” She worked an on-campus office job right down the hall from me and I shamelessly lifted every play from the Jim Halpert playbook, including drumming my fingers on the counter in front of her desk as I walked away. It worked, but

I’d be fine if “Emily Blunt’s Husband” were my only credential.

Assistant “to the” Regio-


Are you SERIOUS?

See: Everyone Jeff Goldblum has ever dated.

You KNOW that they’re going to wind up together in a Hotel/Casino in Vegas, publicly announce their love, then have to eat crow three months later when they realize that The Office wasn’t real life.