
To be fair we’ve since gotten a few great Michael Schur comedies due mostly to his success with The Office. Parks & Rec is phenomenal. Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Good Place are right up there as well. The Office was the price we paid to get the rest made.

Everyone does. Parks & Rec > The Office by a country mile.

Starred for the comment. Mentally quintuple-starred for the cunning username.

Or are you just a shit-stirring troll?

10 times out of 10 you could sub in a $20 CZ and no one would notice. My wife has been rocking hers for a decade and no one in either of our families was aware until we told them. Diamonds are pointless extravagances.

In a situation where budgets are unlimited your view is accurate. For many people, though, spending a few thousand on a ring would make taking an equally-expensive vacation an unnecessary burden on their budgets. “So why not buy the ring and take a vacation next year?” That’s the point. She’d rather have the vacation.

I got married ten years ago. I had a good idea of which ring my wife wanted. I bought it with cash for around $1100 all in. It was set with a CZ instead of a diamond. We were in college and I told her “We can get you a real diamond when we’re done with school and have a little more money.” Her response was “Why?

Sounds like he’s a little Fraught-ened by the idea.

But MEN and their MANLY WAYS! And our BOOBIES! And we HATE MEN! And we have BOOBIES!

I believe he said “want,” and not “require thus as supreme overlord.” Have you never wanted anything before? Is it a new concept to you? Or maybe you’re just having a bad day.

Not dumb enough to fall for a troll account. Nice try, though.

Have you never had anyone agree with you before? Because that’s what it looks like. I don’t know how many times you think constitutes “several consecutive,” and I also don’t know how I portrayed them as “refutations” of your positions. Maybe you’re confusing me with someone else.

It is TERRIFYING. Glad you made a plan with your wife, and glad the kiddo is ok!

I read “Watch out for your kids after they get vaccines” and thought, “Oh jeez, another one of these people.” Thankfully your comment was actually very helpful and informative and not at all anti-vaccine. My kids have developed a low-grade fever after some of their shots as well, so this is a good heads up to anyone

My son had a febrile seizure when he was about 2 1/2. We were with a lot of family boating on a lake. My wife and I left our kids with family on the shore while we boated. We got a call on the lake and they said my son “B” had had a seizure. Luckily one of the family members on the shore had medical knowledge and a

I never understood that either. In an “open world” game I should be able to run from any point A to any point B, as in BotW. In Mario, excellent though it is, you have discrete worlds that are accessed via the Odyssey, which is an ersatz hub world in and of itself. There’s no geography between the worlds, so “open”

I went through bouts of feeling the same way, but I learned I have to turn off that part of my brain that drives toward the next checkmark. Once I learned how to do that the world opened up in a very literal way. I could enjoy just picking a thing in the distance and making my way towards it. I would invariably find a

I genuinely doubt you’re for real, but that may stem from an overwhelming desire to not inhabit the same solar system as someone who acts like you claim to. Either way, you’ve taken the joke a step too far now and I’m starting to feel sorry for you. Your time and contribution to society is obviously less than the