I don’t see anything you typed that disagrees with my previous post.
I don’t see anything you typed that disagrees with my previous post.
There’s a difference, though, between proving innocence and disproving accusations of guilt. Accusations of guilt without any evidentiary basis are thrown out without requiring any defense whatsoever. Once evidence is presented, the defendant’s job is to defend themselves, not to prove anything. It’s a very subtle…
You’re really dedicated to this themed account, aren’t you? Well I commend that. Creating such an almost-believable unhinged persona looks like a lot of fun and you’re doing it quite well. The lesson you need to learn, though, is when to move on. Seriously, even if this person you’re pretending to be were real I still…
Does that apply equally to everyone?
Basically, white people, just shut up about it. If necessary apologize and back out of the room.
I’m uncomfortable knowing there are people whose talent is so obscenely beyond my own. This stuff is good and I’m very impressed.
To be fair, I gave you the first one because I liked the joke. The rest were given to you and anyone else calling out the troll on his trollishness. It’s a principle thing.
That video has the biggest sports-related emotional whiplash of anything I’ve ever seen.
I gladly accept spite stars.
I’m just gonna blanket statement “AGREED” with everything you typed. I wish more people thought about these issues in as much detail as you do.
beds, specifically what might be hiding under them
Interesting take. It’s a little too psychological for my tastes, but I don’t disagree with it at all. My main drive is that we can treat accusations with every bit of the seriousness they deserve without necessarily believing them. Our language has conflated the term “disbelief” and “non-belief” to the point where if…
I dismissed the comment. People like that can’t be reasoned with.
I’m going to err on the side of believing victims
“Believe all victims” is a much catchier thing to yell than “Take accusations with the gravity they deserve!” That’s what it should really be. Believing that what they’re saying is true can be incredibly destructive in certain circumstances, but taking their accusations seriously and giving them the care and diligence…
I wish I could like individual paragraphs because I’d add a star for each and every one of yours here. Well said.
Exactly the same to you. It’s a small and seemingly inconsequential forum to address issues as heavy as these, but showing others that voices like yours exist can help people hold onto their beliefs that presuming guilt is destructive. If the only voices being heard are in lock-step with “Believe all victims!” then…
Polite rebuttal: I understand where you’re coming from, and I agree that society has tons of roadblocks that make it difficult to obtain justice, but those roadblocks are in place for a reason. Burden of proof, innocent until proven guilty, etc. are all there to prevent innocent lives from being destroyed. And yes,…
It’s a tabloid with progressive political views. Simple as that. I think the only reason they don’t outright fabricate their stories is because it’s easier to just post rumors.