
OK. Wow. Whatsername in that video is INSUFFERABLE. This may be the least annoying I’ve ever seen Kimmel. “Think about your life.” Savage!

You’re fighting the good fight, one of reasonable and measured responses. That’s tough in a society where trial by media is the most common courtroom. Please keep doing what you’re doing. I admire you for it.

Right. ;)

I said I get the joke. Move on to someone who’s more likely to engage with you. There are gullible people all over the internet who will believe your troll persona is real. I, for one, already saw through it. I mean seriously, what kind of sane person talks like that? I know that’s part of the fun of trolling, to be

That sounds hauntingly familiar. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a good idea shot down because “Ideas will come from the top. Just focus on doing your job.” Oh. Wow. Yeah. OK. My idea that could have saved the company over $20k per year... just throw it out because I’m not at “the top.”

When did you meet my boss?

The funny thing is that “Google it!” will only ever lead people to reinforce their own views. If you have a source, share it. “Google it” translates to “I’d rather have an emotionally-charged argument than a factually-based discussion.”

Can I order this on a 100ft banner to hang above the entrance to my work? Holy COW do some of the upper-management need to read this. Constant criticism and fault-finding with no actual teaching. Basically “Do it right or your fired.” Almost no chance to learn or improve because they’re too busy elsewhere. I was a

Well said. I’ve had tons of opportunities to learn about myself as a parent. Our first were actually twins, which is a whole other set of challenges (and blessings!), but my wife and I have learned each other’s weaknesses and that helps us step in when the other one needs it. My pet peeve is meal time. Our boys are

Smart money’s on “No.”

To be fair, PNW20v did say “try.” Still though, agreed 100%. All the books and all the tactics in the world fall short at some point when you realize “Holy crap... My kid is an individual!”

Excellent insights! Unified front is extremely important and parenting your children the way they need it is always a good idea.

Ok. I think I’m in on the gag now. Is this Springs1 just one of a series of themed accounts you have to troll on particular topics? Springs2 might be used exclusively for posting about the IDIOTS and MORONS who don’t tailgate someone who flipped them off, and Springs3 is your account for shaming the groundskeepers who

Haha I totally understand work seeping into private life. Still, it’s a good tool to keep handy.

OK, Captain Pedant. You know what he was trying to say. Positive reinforcement. I have my pet peeves as well, but we didn’t need a whole essay.

Very dry language but you can re-word it for your specific style.

When has telling someone to “shut the fuck up” ever worked? It’s cathartic for the shouter, but damaging to the relationship. Yes, being a whiny crybaby is worse, but you don’t make things better by aiming for the lowest common denominator.

If he’s dumping on himself the best thing to say is “I’m sorry you feel that way. Here’s a few things you can do to change that.”