

Talk about it, set specific goals, then stick to them. It took my wife and I years before we found a balance and we’re still figuring it out. We’ve been married ten years now and our relationship is much stronger now than it’s ever been because we both talk to each other, but more importantly we listen to each other.

I agree that this is also about compromise and standards. On the flip side that (we) women might be a little more high strung than men about... oh, I dunno... everything? And we can sometimes expect men to “worry” just as much as we are. I’m saying these things can be destructive or unhealthy all around. And

Hm. Never heard of that before. Might have to join up for a while.

YES. If they go the extra mile, so will my tip. Hands down good service deserves to be rewarded.

Ok A) Take whatever pills you’re currently behind on, then take a few more. B) I get the final receipt afterwards and if there’s a huge issue they can correct it even AFTER they’ve swiped the card. C) If it’s an error of a couple of dollars, I’m not going to even bother. My time is worth way, WAY more than that. D)

I was in a bad mood that day, but I also don’t feel bad about it even after time has passed. She was seriously grating on my nerves and I’m hoping she got the message.

I feel like the world has gotten so absorbed in the idea that “I’m special and unique!” that we forget that everyone else is, too. No one needs to know the exact situation, they need to know only as much information as pertains to that particular interaction with you. If the end result is the same, what difference

How you doin’?

Google is awesome for stuff like this. Their search engine goes way beyond just delivering up websites. Their definitions, calculator, translation, etc. tools built into the search bar are fantastic.

My understanding is that if you’re splitting it equally they can just run it that way at their Point of Sale console using your various cards on the same ticket. If it’s per person’s order, definitely a heads up.

Well said. If someone is doing work on my house I like to offer a little something. Lemonade or a sandwich or something can make a world of difference. I’ve been that guy and having people so obviously pretend you don’t exist is annoying. A little snack or doing something to make their life easier goes a long, long

I’ll tip for carryout, but I won’t tip the full 20% because no one is waiting on me, refilling my drinks, clearing my table, etc. I’ll usually do around 10% because they cooked the food and processed my order. For delivery I usually do 15% on top of whatever delivery fee they charge. If it takes forever and they don’t

If it’s bad enough that a food will make you ill just call it an allergy. Medical definitions don’t matter in a restaurant, because it boils down to either Preference: “I don’t want this thing on my food” or Allergy: “I can’t have this thing on my food.” Perhaps you can tell them “Trace amounts are fine, it’s not

I work with a guy who hands the server his card immediately. I’d never considered it before, but it really is a great way to do things. I don’t need to see my receipt unless you’ve given me a reason to think you’re incompetent and didn’t ring it up correctly. I’d rather we both be on our way that much quicker, so I

But am I wrong?

but if I’d have a better time at home with a $11 bottle of wine and Netflix then you’ve planned it wrong.

Dry weddings are a thing, and more common than you’d think. Your premise is flawed.

age and such

Have mercy!