
I had a dry wedding anyway, so no issue there. But I’ve also worked in the wedding industry for years now and I’ve seen literally hundreds and hundreds of weddings from the planning stages clear through execution. I even oversaw the planning and execution of a wedding that was featured on the show Bridezillas (which

Another awesome article.

Spoilers: It’s a ghost ship inside a dream sequence inside the heads of one of John Cusack’s multiple personalities in a completely different movie.

Then don’t go. It’s cheaper for the couple if you don’t go, you’ll obviously have a better time, and you can still send a gift and a card. Seriously, why go if all you want is a few free glasses of wine? Spend the money and go drink somewhere you won’t be miserable.

Remember 6th Sense? Spoilers: That guy in the wig was Bruce Willis the whole time.

That is truly idiotic. Mostly because both versions of “Planet of the Apes” were pretty terrible anyway. Also they’ve been out for a very long time and that twist has basically become part of American culture. Also a hundred other reasons. Yikes.

If people are most excited for your wedding because of the bar you need new friends. Or a more exciting wedding reception. Probably both.

I deal with these at work and the good ones will legitimately break your finger off if you aren’t careful. That said, good suggestion. Magnets + hooks = :)

Yeah, how about they pick 5 impoverished families, buy each of them a house and a car, set up college funds for all their kids, and then build a park with the leftover? That seems much more worthwhile than “keeping afloat” a guy who has zero legitimate reason to be in dire financial straits.

I legitimately don’t even know who that is. My rock blots out the sun.

Yes, there’s probably some reporting bias at work here, but it still seems disproportionately high in the entertainment world.

I don’t see how your comment ties into the drive of my initial post. Basically I’m saying that many of the most successful entertainers suffer from some pretty heavy mental illness, family instability, drug dependencies, etc. and I’m asking why these people rise to the top and what that says about us as an audience.

those who are gifted in that way, I think, are more naturally predisposed to these kinds of issues.

I agree with the statement, but some movies do hinge entirely on their twist not being revealed until the right time. This wasn’t one of them, but they do exist. However, I’ll agree all day long with the notion that people’s zealous drive to avoid anything remotely spoilerish is nonsense, along with their insistence

My wife is the sweetest person in the world and unfortunately is seen as a mark for these MLM people. Whenever she gets invited I ask her “Are you going to be nice, or do you actually like what they’re selling?” Half the time she’s just going to be nice, so I tell her “How about we drop off a plate of cookies

But I’m not referring to the characters, I’m talking about the actors and creators themselves. It seems almost mandatory that standup comedians have a bit about the drugs their taking (prescription or otherwise), their messed up social lives, their depression, etc. Not to mention all the sex scandals, broken

I love Maria Bamford to pieces. I’ve loved her standup from the first time I heard it. BUT, this article made me wonder: What does it say about us as a society that we either A) Only seem entertained by the work of those tortured by severe mental illness or B) Only consume media that has the potential to create or

Haha Yeah I haven’t followed basketball in any way since the mid-90's, but Hornacek was a big deal back then. TL;DR cool story bro.

Can we talk about Jennifer Lawrence’s hug? I watched the first few seconds and heard screeching tires in my head when it came to that hug.

If a costume comes from a place of genuine admiration and respect, go for it. If there’s any irony, sarcasm, or mockery involved, don’t. If a 4-year-old wants to dress as something it’s because they think that something is cool. My kids went as a crocodile and a monster this year, but if they’d said they wanted to be