
There was a kid in my 5th grade class who bullied people despite (or maybe because of) the fact that he was on the small side. He was aggressive, loud-mouthed, and had big friends. One day one of his big friends was pushing me. I kept saying I don’t want to fight and tried to leave but they outnumbered me. Suddenly I

Anyone who uses the word “toxins” needs to be taken with a whole mound of salt.

He picked that one because why not? It’s a character he likes from a successful franchise he likes. If he only makes movies that don’t offend anyone he’s going to be left with documentaries about where Mr. Rogers’ sweaters were made. Lighten up. Multi-millionaires aren’t going to suddenly starve because another

If there was ever better casting for an animated character I don’t know what it is. He’s fantastic as the muscle-bound arrogant god-figure with a heart of gold. I don’t think Moana was Disney’s best, but their casting choice was 100% spot on.

Haha! That’s an awesome story!

You’re right, but that wasn’t my original point anyway. I was trying to agree with you that he’s a less-than-stellar guy. But now here we are.

1. Thank you for not doing the “??? Profit!” thing

I absolutely am easy to please, as is my wife. We always find things to appreciate wherever we are because life’s too short to spend it nitpicking. In fact we’re planning an anniversary cruise with some friends of ours who are the same way: easy to please and appreciate life. Well said!

“Super picky about food” seems like an honest-to-goodness handicap, IMO. I can’t imagine just not being able to enjoy the majority of food that’s out there. I can appreciate a high quality meal that I pay lots of money for, but I can also sit down to a Golden Corral buffet and be happy with what I find.

I know. I was piling on with how he doesn’t have his life together. But now that you mention it fiscal irresponsibility can be a persuading factor in custody hearings.

Insert “darkest timeline” joke

Let me know how you and the other three people who use that hashtag are doing in a month.

So is delusional B-list fame.

Or such a crappy money-manager that not getting your next multi-million dollar paycheck means your family is in trouble. Freaking heck, man, save a few million here and there!

I’ll prescribe the same thing for him as I’ve done for Trump since forever: Take away his Twitter. He’s ruining his life by having direct, unfiltered access to millions of people sitting in his pocket.

If by “trilogy” you mean “three films people saw and then 2 more that managed to make money against all the laws of economics and physics.”

Or do his own spinoff? “The Rapid & Raging” starring the 7th most popular actor from that other car franchise.