Haha I have an exit strategy in the works, but it’s a bit long-term so it’ll be several months before I’m ready for a change that won’t mean a MAJOR lifestyle downgrade for my family. I know you didn’t ask.
Haha I have an exit strategy in the works, but it’s a bit long-term so it’ll be several months before I’m ready for a change that won’t mean a MAJOR lifestyle downgrade for my family. I know you didn’t ask.
Actions have consequences. If someone bases a large part of their public image around acting like a sex object how can they get offended when people treat them that way? We get to choose our actions. We don’t get to choose the consequences of those actions. That’s not how reality works.
I’m on board with all of this. The problem is any improvements will cost money and most police forces aren’t exactly running a surplus. Restructuring how police forces are managed, trained, and equipped can cost millions in bigger cities. Lack of funding leads to relying on the status quo and the status quo needs to…
I so very often love your username/comment alignment. This is one of those times. It is a delight.
I’ll jump on board with deep cuts to military spending because there is TONS of waste there. But do you think cutting police funding is going to make all these issues with the police any better? I say for every dollar cut out of military spending let’s spend ten cents on improving police training and oversight so we…
Listen to any politician who doesn’t fall in 100% lockstep with him on one of his pet issues.
Broken clock, occasionally right and all that.
Hopped on the bandwagon of reporting explosive diarrhea and vomiting when they didn’t have it? Is that what you’re saying people did? “Hm. Kinda slow around here. Hey, maybe I’ll just claim I have crappy Mexican food shooting out both ends of my body to liven things up!”
Yes to all of this. Everything is all social outrage now and it’s not only unfunny, it’s exhausting. I don’t know anything about the AV Club before the Kinjafication because I’d never heard of it. For a couple of weeks it seemed like we were going to get some colorful and entertaining personalities to liven things up.…
Well, if you find someplace like what AV Club used to be let me know about it. I settled into the Gawkmodo universe because of what Lifehacker used to be: articles about life hacking. Gizmodo was kind of a secondary site because of my obsession with tech. Nowadays I stick around because I’m too lazy to go anywhere…
I don’t know what the AV Club was like before the Kinjafication, but yes, it’s probably going to be all hurt feelings and shouting down unpopular opinions just like the rest of Gawkmodo is. I, for one, enjoy the hot take, both posting and reading. Others, though, like their comments section nice and homogeneous.…
I try to disassociate my knowledge of sleep paralysis from the story I’m reading and focus on the imagery. But I feel you. After learning about it I just can’t take any story that happens late at night in bed seriously.
You are 100% correct. People have known about these issues for decades without acting on them. Once they’re the topic of the day they have to act right or suffer a PR nightmare. The old “In light of recent accusations” song and dance is SOP for Hollywood, politics, etc. They knew, they just also knew they could keep…
This opinion is not going to be received well. Not saying it’s wrong, per se, but dust off the old flame suit.
What Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Seth Meyers say about Donald Trump constitute a “dig”.
Mixed bag. He’s right that if these uber-successful people wanted late night shows they could get them. And yes, if you’re going to get a late night network talk show you kind of have to be “some of the most successful women and people of color of all time” because they aren’t handing those gigs out with the…
Surprisingly sound advice this time. In all cases being open and honest without letting emotions rule the conversation is going to be the best way.
My mother-in-law has that same relationship with her mother (my GIL). GIL constantly talks about how great all her OTHER kids and grandkids are when my MIL is with her. She constantly downplays my MIL’s achievements and never genuinely cares to hear about how things are going. She’s not mean, just ignorant and…
I have never gotten the shits from eating Chipotle.