
So, so true. Once I’ve said no enough times I just get quiet. They get the idea. Same thing works on my kids.

Names, birthdates, etc. come and go. Seinfeld is forever.

I think it’s still worth at least being aware of the toxic fanbase to avoid any accidental overlap in behaviors. Also calling out toxic fanbases sort of needs to happen otherwise those idiots will keep thinking they’re special.

Ok and by the way, I haven’t had atole in years and I miss the heck out of it. Gotta find a place that sells it.

Big Brother is here and I’m off to Room 101.

I’ve become a huge fan of silence in these situations. If I’ve already said no a few times, a heavy dose of quiet paired with unwavering eye contact gets the point across.

But didn’t it not disprove nothing, too?

I wish I could give you more than one star.

I’m guessing he’s going to start backpedalling with “Bro, it’s a joke! Haha! Get it! Lighten up!” any minute now. No, he didn’t write it that way, but he’s certainly gonna try to play it off that way.

How dare you! You’re supposed to ignore people and get offended at everything! Obviously you’re not as enlightened as the author. /s


You sound like a really fun person to be around.

I bet you’re also the type of SHEEP that says things like “excuse me” and “sorry” and “please,” huh? When will people realize that all human interaction is pointless! What, like I’m supposed to BEG you to excuse me just because I have to get off the subway and you’re in front of the door? Oh, and I’m supposed to say

I’ll take stupid, nonsensical, condescending, pretentious hipster advice like this over politics on Lifehacker. It’s close, but politics lose.

I’ve saved time, money, and hassle just by following these life hacks. Sure glad we aren’t just being fed random stoner thoughts disguised as life hacks. That’d be embarrassing!

I love this joke/theory so very, very much. I have a couple folks at work who are going to get a bunch of gesundheits thrown at them in the coming weeks.

It took like a single day to teach my 3-year-olds how to sneeze into their arm. Why can’t adults understand this?

You aren’t supposed to do anything, because drawing attention to bodily functions is outlawed as of this article. What, do you want to force your muco-normative views on others? Who are you to decide where their mucus should and shouldn’t be?

Had completely forgotten about this. You’re doing a good thing.

The proper response to a fart is “And to you as well, good sir.”