
Oh don’t get me started on the MOLLE. Literally anything a soldier might wear is just the coolest thing to hardcore preppers. It’s like they wanted to be soldiers but didn’t want to deal with the tough training, long deployments, low pay, etc. But darnit, we can at least have cool army gear!

If they continue with this forked product line I think fingerprint is here to stay. It’ll probably come back when they get the tech figured out and it will inevitably end up under the display. I don’t know who will get there first, but it’s gonna happen. I think face unlock won’t stick around for more than a few

True enough. I meant more specifically a trend in the titles to articles on the Gawkmodo sister sites, but universally you’re right.

Would “clicks” be too simple an answer? Seems to be the sole motivation for a lot of article titles lately.

You clicked. I clicked. They got what they wanted.

I honestly think they were trying to get the fingerprint scanner to work under the screen. They dumped all their R&D into it and realized too late that it wouldn’t work. They didn’t have time or didn’t want to spend the money to move the scanner to the back side, so they cut it out altogether and relied on the Face

That makes WAY more sense. In that case, kudos to the artist because that’s funny. Thanks for the clarification.

“Unusual” is a relative term.

You can usually spot the more hardcore preppers because they repeat a lot of the same ideas that are based on internet forum logic AND the fringe, not-at-all-likely worst case scenario rather than evidence and common sense. I fell into that trap for a few years but I dragged myself out of it.

Congrats! Twins are the best. It’s SUPER rough in the early days, but our boys are now best friends and that makes a lot of things a lot easier. Harder in some ways, but always worth it. Good luck!

To be fair, the Wilhelm Scream is more of an in-joke. It’s almost never used sincerely these days.

Don’t forget the steering wheel lock that magically disengages after rubbing those wires together.

It hurts me to see how obviously photoshopped that shifter knob is. 7, 8, 9, 10, and R aren’t really even the same font as the 1-6. But I’ve never seen these movies before so I assume it’s a quick throwaway shot.

I love every bit in Airplane. That movie kills me.

Bless you for this clip.

Oh man, story time has been THE BEST parenting technique I didn’t explicitly steal from someone else.

Definitely good to be flexible.

Where did that come from?

This was about 5 or 6 years ago. The weird thing is that her phone never dialed out to 911, even accidentally. We checked for outgoing calls and didn’t find any at all, but they got the information somehow so it must have been a glitch in the cell network or something.