Oh geez. I was hoping it would get better in the second half! Dangit. Gonna be a slog.
Oh geez. I was hoping it would get better in the second half! Dangit. Gonna be a slog.
“Currently” meaning “I’m still in the middle of a book.” But no, not at the moment. I had high hopes, but Stephen King comes off as very self-satisfied in his writing and it keeps taking me out of the story. I want to finish because the Dark Tower is kind of sci-fi/fantasy required reading.
That just gives you an excuse to buy yourself another one! Silver linings!
That just gives you an excuse to buy yourself another one! Silver linings!
But was it always that way, like back in the “good old days?” I’m thinking like the Steve Martin, Dan Aykroyd days of yore. I’ve never been a big SNL fan so I’m probably just unfamiliar.
Hah! Plot twist!
I’m just sayin...
This is -> Sports Center
Did the SNL cast always read their cue cards so obviously or is this a new thing? I could barely concentrate on the skit the first time I saw it because the actors’ eyes were so obviously reading prompts the whole time.
Currently listening to the Dark Tower series in audiobook form. Just realized I haven’t listened in quite a while.
Married her 2 months later
I did the “layered date” thing a lot with a bunch of friends in college. Then I heard from some of the girls we were asking out that they thought the dates lasted too long. Not a good sign.
Starred for “pesky ribs” comment.
It doesn’t hurt that rock climbing harnesses can do wonderful things to a woman’s backside while she’s on the wall.
Even better if they can complete a sub-5-hour marathon carrying a fully-loaded 12-gauge shotgun. When North Korea’s nukes turn the west coast into zombies you’re gonna want someone who can hold their own.
Is that like a garage sale or yard sale? I’ve never heard the term “tag sale” before.
When I was dating my go-to was a local improv comedy show. Bottom line is you’re usually laughing the whole time, you can talk and comment to each other if you want, and it gives you a lot to talk about as you go for ice cream or something afterwards.
Had to be done. Good work, friend.
I seriously can’t stop laughing at this. Fun to look at, more fun to say.
Great article again, Michelle.
I totally remember this video from my childhood. I was transfixed seeing those sheets of metal get gracefully stomped into perfect shapes. I still am.