
You completely misunderstood my post. My whole point was that you can’t wait for the douchebags in charge to treat people with respect. These women have to demand it, and they do that by bucking the trends of oversexualization by refusing needlessly-revealing gowns and nearly-nude photo shoots.

I know, but the context seemed to imply something other than dabbing with a cloth. Maybe pop culture has ruined me, though.

The tone of your messages seemed to convey a distrust of women and frustration with the dating scene, hence my advice. As long as you’re happy being single you won’t ever have to work on yourself.

I wish I could give you more stars for that link. For whatever reason bug out bag contents splayed out like that give me a major endorphin rush.

Ungreyed for good advice. Well said. The server might be a little extreme for most people, but definitely scanned copies of vital documents at the very least and chargers/backup battery packs and solar chargers. Everything I buy for emergency prep has to either charge via USB or be able to be converted to do so.

Any bag you wear is going to advertise that it has stuff in it. If there was nothing valuable inside, why carry it at all?

I have one of these kinds of lighters. Gimme a sec...

I have one of these kinds of lighters. Gimme a sec...

No, if they dump you because they “lost a tiny bit of attraction” either those are still crappy women or you’re lying to yourself about why they dumped you. You seem to think all women, even the best ones, are just soulless life-suckers whose only purpose is to stomp on your heart. I’ve met women who married men they

If they were resourceful enough to make farming gold into a means for them to survive, they will find other ways to make it down there.

Yeah. Runescape.

Her look is one of power. She’s not trying to seduce anyone, she’s telling someone how things are. That’s an impressive look from a kid that young. I just hope she doesn’t get changed into something else as she gets older. Seems like every attractive female Hollywood actress gets roped into the mandatory almost-nude

So you think if they refused to wear a hypersexualized gown they’d just be shot in the head? Are they drugged, dressed, and then paraded down the red carpet on wires like a marionette?

Your opinion is valid, but you’re in the minority in labeling it a steaming pile. A 7.7 on IMDb is solid “worth a watch” territory. Heck it’s even approaching the 8+ “must watch” category. But I’m going to take a guess that you also hated Inception. You strike me as that type.

Ron Swanson isn’t anywhere near the level of Rick or Walter. He’s got his principles and strong political beliefs, but he’s also a skilled and independent person who really just wants to sit in silence and read big books about old boats.

People idolizing Rick or Walter are no different than those who idolize rappers or athletes who have a history of abuse, sexual assault, and general terribleness. BUT they drive cool cars, throw around Benjies like they don’t care, and live in gigantic houses. Our whole culture is built around idolizing terrible

Eh. We really only had a very few spooky experiences there. My wife and I aren’t “sensitives” or whatever, and we’re pretty strong-willed so I think we’ve kept things out of our lives for the most part. I think spirits are drawn more to those who spook easily or tend to relinquish control. Neither of us is like that.

Agreed x100. It’s like as soon as a young actress hits a whiff of puberty they’re suddenly trying to make her a sex object. Hollywood needs to calm down and recognize that being female doesn’t necessitate overt sexuality.

That sucks, man. Keep in mind, though, that it can be extremely damaging to your mental state to assume your experience is universal. You dated some crap women, by the sound of it. Work on yourself and you’ll find yourself running across some much less crappy women.

Yes it does, my friend. Yes it most certainly does.

That I’ll buy, figuratively speaking of course. You couldn’t GIFT me anything from this and similar groups.