Which is why it’s so sad that it’s the high point in his career.
Which is why it’s so sad that it’s the high point in his career.
In my defense, that seems WILDLY conservative to me.
Did Jules Verne have literally the entire planet’s collective knowledge at his fingertips when he wrote that? And then did the finished work suck on its own merits, regardless of scientific inaccuracies?
Never thought of it that way. Well said.
Austin Powers was and still is a pop-culture cancer, imo. Give me Wayne’s World 1, So I Married an Axe Murderer, and Shrek. Everything else can go take a leap.
Love it. Truly a testament to public education.
Never seen it. Probably gonna steer clear since, y’know, Butler.
Can’t blame you. Live out your celebrity brain-crush to the fullest, my friend.
No idea. Sounds terrible. Gonna watch it.
Well you have to take SOMETHING with Doug Benson. Might as well be it up.
A shark-filled tornado? The list of things I’ve heard now contains everything.
Not to pile on, but I’mma pile on. (Regarding LWs 2 & 3)
Yes, your way makes more sense for the number of ingredients in the recipe. But linguistically speaking my way would be 11 Herbs, and also Spices. It’s a wash either way, but I like my way better. AND I ALWAYS SHALL.
Or better yet: a cannibal ghost! First he scares you to death, then he eats your ghost!
You can just say Utah.
How did Kelso learn to dab? More to the point, if they fed in the transcripts I’m sure no one was dabbing back when Scrubs was on. How would that have made it in?
That doesn’t mean that transcripts don’t exist.
Scrubs: Recursion
You know it has a battery, right? You aren’t lighting the fire with solar energy, you’re charging it occasionally with solar energy.
You know it has a battery, right? You aren’t lighting the fire with solar energy, you’re charging it occasionally…