
No one has ever been able to convince me that fire steel is superior to just having a few lighters in your pack. Care to take a crack at persuading me otherwise?

No one has ever been able to convince me that fire steel is superior to just having a few lighters in your pack.

Take that up with Doug Benson.

Your loss, I guess.

Seems like it would make more sense to follow 11 guys named Herb and then also follow the Spice Girls’ collective twitter account.

That movie holds up much better than Mike Myers’ career has.

Name me one good movie that can’t be accused of some kind of -ism.

Hah! Hadn’t heard that one. True enough, though.

Or if he was a ghost the whole time.

Some form of “Who farted?” is his everyday face.

Wait, did you not like Snowpiercer? I liked that movie a lot.

Look, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but my Geo Storm was constantly in the shop, got CRAP gas mileage, toppled skyscrapers in Asia, and the seats wouldn’t even recline. 0/10 would not Geo Storm again.


I was in high school when The Core came out. My geology teacher spent an entire class just running down the reasons why, scientifically speaking, that movie sucked all the balls.

This is the first laugh the Simpsons have given me in years.

To quote Doug Benson, “300 minus 300 is the number of good movies Gerard Butler has done since 300.”

To quote Doug Benson, “300 minus 300 is the number of good movies Gerard Butler has done since 300.”

Hahaha! Past 25 years of what?!

It’s not dumb. It’s normal. Not everyone is like that, obviously, but you are far from an outlier.

Sounds like you’re a guy who was cheated on.

I agree that marriage shouldn’t be the default. I’ve been married for about 10 years and love my wife more today than I did the day we got married. But I also recognize that marriage isn’t for everyone. Unfortunately there’s a premium status associated with marriage and it comes mostly because of the gigantic