
Very well said all the way around. Especially about not sleeping with someone and then forcing the sex to be the foundation of your relationship. Love the person because that’s who you’re marrying. If you just love the sex DON’T MARRY THAT PERSON. Relationships don’t get easier after marriage.

The library book example was straight-up terrible. I see marriage as taking the same hike over and over again. The hike will look different depending on the season, the weather, the wildlife, etc., but as you get better at taking that hike you can go farther along the path and discover whole new places and be

Pressure to get married is only second in stupidity to pressure to have kids. If you’re pressured into something you won’t take it seriously, and both marriage and having kids NEED TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. Good for you knowing yourself well enough to not jump right back in. Be you, cuz who else can you be?

Anyone who says they “need to cheat” is full of it. They want to. They want to SO BAD it can feel like a need. Real needs are things you can’t live without, like water, food, shelter, etc. Yeah, in my decade of marriage I’ve felt some POWERFUL attractions to some people and even had opportunities to act on them, but I

I admire that a ton. Honesty is the best policy.

As long as you’re open about that with your partners that’s a perfectly fine stance to take.

Once you make a vow of monogamy, that’s it as far as I’m concerned. If you get married with the expectation of an open relationship, great. You do you. But do what you promised, stick to your word, and like you said, show some respect.

Divorce sucks all the way around. But, can you blame her? Unless she’s bisexual I don’t see how the marriage ever could have survived the transition. Presumably she married a man who transitioned to being a woman. I know it’s more complicated than I’m making it, but a gender change would take a very specific and very

My wife and I have had discussions like this. We both decided that cheating in and of itself wouldn’t be a deal-breaker, but a pattern of cheating and an unwillingness to change would be. Obviously that’s easier to say in our situation where neither of us has cheated or been cheated on because we don’t know how we’d

More likely she’s really hot and the guys are thinking with their dicks.

Good for you being that self-aware. People trick themselves into all sorts of things, like thinking that being a cheater will go away once they’re married. Marriage takes work and lots of it. If the reward offered by marriage doesn’t seem worth that work, don’t get married. It’s not for everyone and I admire people

Our experiences are different, and that’s ok.

The one who’s about to quit.

It’s called “The Bubble” for a reason.

Your #3 is descriptive of every religion and is seemingly the reason for belonging to a religion. The rest of your points, though, are spot on.

Maria Bamford is a damn delight

I had a relationship kind of like that. I was dating a girl a few years older than me and for whatever reason I felt weird about saying “boyfriend/girlfriend.” It seemed so childish to me at the time. Still kind of does, I guess. In the end, though, what really matters is that you’re on the same page regarding

Trump doesn’t have as many supporters as people think, they’re just rabid fanatics so they make the news A LOT.

The word “alleged” is commonly used when trials are in process or the alleged perpetrator is not convicted. Innocent until proven guilty, even for rapists.

Find a really good deal on an internal-frame hiking backpack. It leaves your hands free to deal with pets, children, radios, phones, etc. and works over all terrain. Usually you’ll also have some extra space for the last-minute additions.