Don’t forget the Clintemocrats!
Don’t forget the Clintemocrats!
So... both major political parties, then.
Fits all the criteria.
I work for a guy who is the textbook definition of a narcissist. Not just that he thinks he’s awesome, but he’s manipulative, insensitive/ignorant to how his actions affect others, ignores all advice but his own, etc.
YES. Keep digital copies of your documents like the article states, but keep passports, birth certificates, social security cards, etc. in a fireproof document safe. Even if the house burns down there’s a chance that what’s inside will survive and that can make your life a lot easier after a disaster. We bought a $60…
I got my HAM license for this very reason. In an emergency it’s legal to use HAM bands without a license, but odds are you won’t actually know what you’re doing without some training, and if you’re training anyway you might as well get licensed!
Haha It gave me a good chuckle.
DEFINITELY see it in person. It’ll change your life.
My wife made some slime that uses shaving cream. It makes it fluffier for a different texture. Slime FTW!
I read your first tip as “Some sensory affected kids love to stand in dry ice and find it calming.” I was about to have to completely reevaluate what I know about sensory affected kids.
My wife and I finally decided on a strategy that has saved us hours and hours of frustration. Dress your baby in cheap multi-pack onesies every chance you get. And I mean the CHEAPEST. Our baby is a pooping machine. Well, that’s not quite right. She’s a pooping sniper. On multiple occasions she has managed to blow out…
“Traveling all the time won’t fulfill you” is something that could only be said by someone who has never seen the pope fall flat on his face.
My boss isn’t remote, but I wish he was. He’s the president’s son and he was just made COO. I’m kind of a department unto myself but I occasionally have to report to him and I have to take assignments from him when he gives them to me. Unfortunately he thinks that nothing is impossible and everyone owes him everything…
Sorry, man, but the -eth language turned me off to the article completely. You could have called it “The Ten Commandments...” without making it nearly unreadable.
I figure people go for the thrill. It’s like the willful suspension of disbelief needed to enjoy almost any entertainment. No, the Hulk isn’t real and no, this abandoned asylum probably isn’t haunted, but it’s fun to pretend.
I figure they’re like teenagers just learning a new skill. They worked hard to be not very good at it but they want to show it off every chance they get. By the time they get good at it they’ve lost interest and moved on (pun intended).
Don’t talk about Paranormal Activity with people online. For every hardcore fan there are a dozen “Dat wuzn’t skerry! I laffed da hole tyme!” idiots. I liked it and found it incredibly creepy, but horror films are polarizing. It’s either “Didn’t scare me, super dumb, 0/10 skeletons, would not Redbox again” or “I’m on…
So when do we get the Lifehacker article with this video and a giant “FAKE” ‘shopped across it?
It’s so engrained into they that they think they are right about everything, and they don’t make mistakes. It’s everyone else that is wrong and make mistakes, not them.