
Not everyone could make that work, so good for you finding the way! It sounds like you didn’t have kids during that time, which would have complicated things immensely. My wife and I did a similar thing before we had kids. My job moved me to Texas, but she was still finishing a semester of school so we went February

They were going through a phase where they wanted to sleep in our bed so they’d wander into our room several times per night sometimes. It wasn’t unusual for one of us (usually me) to sleep in the hallway to intercept kids as they wandered out of their room in the night, so she didn’t think twice about me not being in

Yeah, that’s the hard part is making sure both parties are in the same place regarding the distance/travel time. My wife is INCREDIBLY supportive, but every time I’m gone it makes her life a lot harder because we have three kids under 5 and she works part-time as a nurse. Finding babysitters who will watch kids during

I heard one blogger suggest working out a signal with coworkers you’re close to. If someone feels uncomfortable they can give the signal and you can step in to distract, sidetrack, etc. It can be shaky to judge a situation just by looking at it from across the room because you don’t know exactly how it’s being handled

Ridiculing relentlessly doesn’t seem like a very sound strategy, but you’re more familiar with the situation than I am. Have you considered something like a quick (and private) “Hey, boss, just FYI the hand on the shoulder thing could be interpreted as sexual harassment, so you might want to rethink that. Just looking

My wife and I have talked about going to dinners or other activities with her friends and being conscious of one of her friends who doesn’t have any kids. It’s usually a group of three or four of them and my wife often takes our baby along (as do the others who have kids). I’ve mentioned how she might consider

Distance can be good. My wife misses me like crazy when I have to leave town for work. I miss her, too, but I rarely have time to even think about it because I’m usually working 14+ hours per day while I’m away. We’ve occasionally left a little miffed at each other (for dumb little things), but the time apart helps us

Pulled you out of the grays. Hopefully your comment is seen.

I know you weren’t asking me, but I’mma chime in anyway: In my opinion the seats were designed to recline a certain distance, so that distance is allowable under normal circumstances. It’s still good form to either ask the person behind you or at least glance back to make sure you aren’t bumping their

“Disagreeing” and “categorically rejecting the premise of a suggested idea you voluntarily clicked into with a vehemence that would seem to preclude further discussion” are different things.

HEY! Band That I Like X is not part of Genre Y! Genre Y is TRASH! Band That I Like X is genius! Philistines!

Haha. I tolerate innocent annoyances pretty well. Plus he was traveling with kids just like me, and they seemed to be the same age. I guess it was an instant commiseration-bond.

If you see a guy holding a speaker and dancing like the one in the video you slap him and you slap him good. Put it down, chief. You look like a dope.

If you see a guy holding a speaker and dancing like the one in the video you slap him and you slap him good. Put it

Most people probably are overpaying for car insurance. I got me a great deal, though. It’s like $5 per month and I get full coverage. The downside is I had to pay 30 years all up front and make the check out to “Cash” and hand it to my agent in person, and he’s not always easy to find at his office next to the

Yeah, in the tech world we call that a PICNIC error. “Problem In Chair Not In Computer.”

Ah, see now you mentioned two places I have never visited and have no interest in.

I do expect a serious answer. What are you smoking and how can I get some. OUT WITH IT!

“Okay dude, calm down, take a chill pill. If you don’t have a chill pill take one of those chill strips, you put it on your tongue it dissolves, chill.”

Wait, were you under the impression Jaime was proposing this as a new law? It’s not a ballot initiative. It’s a suggestion.

I was watching “Arrow” on a flight last year (THANK YOU downloadable Netflix shows!) and in the middle of the flight this guy across the aisle and back a row taps me on the shoulder and asks “Who is that guy?” and points to my screen. I said “A bad guy.” He asked me a couple other questions during that episode, but he