Lifehack: Save 5 dollars by just watching a neighbor’s movie during your next flight.
Lifehack: Save 5 dollars by just watching a neighbor’s movie during your next flight.
I do the same thing with little power strips at airports. If the plugs are full no one minds if you ask to plug in your strip and still keep them plugged in. Net gain for the universe!
They better give free gas for it.
Think of the poor oil executives! They just want to feed their families!
Hey, VAS is a worthy cause that keeps hollow-skull socialites off the streets and gives them a (false) sense of purpose.
I mean, just use the full service and stay in your car without having to listen to it.
That’s sort of genius. Like the fake words in dictionaries or the fake towns on maps. Now I’m curious what the place was called.
Whoah. Take it easy. Maybe you need a drink?
I don’t drink, but in the past my job required me to frequently attend networking events that included alcohol. I figured out that as long as you have something in your hand at all times people won’t hassle you. On the few occasions people have asked me why I’m not drinking I just tell them “Because I don’t drink.” If…
Eh, swing and a miss I guess. Glad I could give people a chuckle, at least.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up!
No idea.
Someone liked my story from last year and that means it’s no longer lost, so I’ll post it here again. This and the other story both happened in the same house about a two years apart. Here it is:
Probably wise. These stories mess me up EVERY YEAR.
Sometimes increased stress (like moving to a new house as a kid) can bring on sleep paralysis, night terrors, etc. I HOPE that’s all that was going on for you.
That’s... Uh... Holy crap, man. Just holy crap.
I’m all for tech in cars, but touchscreen interfaces in a vehicle are THE WORST. They need serious improvements before they’ll come anywhere near the usability of good ol’ buttons and levers.
That is some freaky stuff... I had a similar experience with our twins, but it turned out my wife had put them both in the same crib for reasons and I just looked way too fast.
I admit nothing!