These people sound like Phil Hellmuth (the poker player) who criticizes his opponents’ strategies even when they beat him. “Who in their right mind would X, Y, or Z?” Well if it’s stupid but it works, it ain’t stupid.
These people sound like Phil Hellmuth (the poker player) who criticizes his opponents’ strategies even when they beat him. “Who in their right mind would X, Y, or Z?” Well if it’s stupid but it works, it ain’t stupid.
That’s the moment when I drop a game. I’m not a completionist, so having unfinished games doesn’t bother me. I stop playing when other things appeal to me more. As it stands I’ve stopped playing most games altogether lately because I’m trying to change careers and training has taken up all my spare time. My Switch and…
I think there are a lot of beneficial parallels between running a business and running the country. You’ve got income in the form of taxes that somehow needs to be balanced against expenses in the form of social programs, defense, infrastructure, etc. Obviously there’s a much more human component involved in running a…
Yes, I’m sure it was an innocent typo. And no, it doesn’t matter. Why did I even bring it up then? So I could make my hilarious joke, obviously.
I have some SERIOUS issues with spiders, cockroaches, etc., but I’ve managed to suppress them enough that I can allow my kids to enjoy being exposed to them. My kids are pretty fearless by nature and I try very very hard not to squash that because having more fears is rarely a good thing.
Please consider that the highest body in the judicial branch of government has ruled on this and that you’re just being obtuse because you don’t like guns. Denying reality is no way to fight for change, if that’s what you want to do. Denying reality is, however, a really good way to convince yourself you’re winning an…
Don’t tell her what an asshole he is! Mention something like how you don’t feel comfortable around him, that you’re different people, and that you don’t really get along.
There was no local HR department. Corporate HQ was over a thousand miles away and the staff was pretty lean (really just three of us total plus the manager).
My wife and I have tried very hard to instill just the right amount of fear into our kids. We routinely catch spiders, centipedes, moths, etc. and put them in jars for our boys to inspect. They’re pretty fearless and we try really hard not to hinder their enthusiasm, instead focusing on teaching them a healthy respect…
Care to elaborate?
I don’t see how mag limits “would be the only way to attempt to limit rate of fire on semi-automatic rifles.” I agree that it’s pretty symbolic, but this is one of those things that could actually make a difference in the future. Again, rate of fire is the main point of restricting access to machine guns and bump…
So here’s a question: Years ago I worked at a wedding venue and the manager was a man. One of the staff was in the habit of wearing skirts and dresses that were too short per the dress code. The manager talked to her about it and she started floating the term “sexual harassment” behind his back because he commented on…
I read the whole “overdramatic illness” thing is actually an evolutionary trait from way back when. If the (cave)men were expected to hunt animals and they got sick they could A) Tough it out and possibly get killed by these animals (boars, mammoths, deer, etc.) or B) Rest and recover so as not to get killed by these…
Guys! Breaking news! One of the leaders of an industry that fetishizes and objectifies women for money isn’t rushing to the support of women! Outrage!
I don’t have those restrictions. My company has two locations in Chicago and I don’t need to visit them more than once a year, if that. When I do it’s worth it to me to fly into Midway (I fly Southwest anyway). Obviously if that’s your only choice then do it. If you can ever avoid it, though, I would.
I think we’re pretty close in our views. I still think the red tape surrounding larger-caliber suppressors could be loosened, but I see your points. It’s a tricky situation because it comes down to balancing safety with our rights. I’ll support a lot of regulations on gun ownership (much more than I would have 6 or 7…
I’m not a lawyer or anything resembling one, but as a layman’s rough draft:
O’Hare is too big for its own good and its layout isn’t very well done. I’ve flown through plenty of big airports that are better designed (DFW, for one) and had no problem with them. O’Hare, though, left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I much prefer Midway.
So no we don’t have the right to bear arms.