Every time the article said “Dove” I kept reading it as “Dave.” Now I’m convinced Dave’s a racist.
Every time the article said “Dove” I kept reading it as “Dave.” Now I’m convinced Dave’s a racist.
I like how this issue pivoted from Weinstein to the Trumps so quickly. That’s neat.
I’ve only been to and through Chicago for work, but my biggest hack is to avoid O’Hare airport like the plague. Midway is a MUCH better experience. I’ll drive the extra hour+ if that’s what it takes. O’Hare is terrible.
Look up historical definitions of the word “militia” circa 1776.
Then the experience wasn’t wasted. I think it’s sad that someone genuinely trying to understand another’s point of view is shot down and told blankly “This isn’t your place. You don’t belong here.” But that’s how it is here.
If the end result is the same, what difference does it make?
I had an econ professor in college who bought all his cars this same way. Always new, always with cash, but the difference was he wouldn’t go to the dealership at all. He would call them up and say “I know you paid $X,000 for this car. I’m willing to go Y% above that and pay cash. Interested?” He said they always told…
Happy wife happy life. Drive what you like. If you can’t do that, drive what you must.
There’s no accounting for taste.
I’ll admit I had a knee-jerk reaction to the “It’s harder to ____ than to get a gun” format of your post. I apologize. A lot of people use that format to spew nonsense but your take is, indeed, accurate.
Fair points all around.
There is a metric buttload of misinformation about guns out there. It becomes laughable when people who know nothing about guns begin their sentences with “Don’t they know that...” Movies contribute a ton to misinformation, and the media and politicians prey on that (or fall victim to it, depending on your…
I’m saying if you’re going to carry a tool to do a job, it should be able to do that job. In the case of a gun the job is to stop a threat. One bullet is rarely able to stop a threat. Add in drugs, alcohol, adrenaline, the possibility of missing, and you might as well have a hot dog in your holster.
Again, technically you are right. But speaking functionally what is the difference? One trigger pull equals one bullet downrange. And I know you’re already writing your reply in your head so I’m going to reiterate more loudly: TECHNICALLY YOU ARE RIGHT BUT FUNCTIONALLY WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?
Your comment confused me a bit. You seem to be a gun owner, so presumably you know the actual decibel reduction that happens with a suppressor. Generally we’re talking “jackhammer” vs “jet engine” rather than the mouse farts movies would have us believe. How is that not a good idea in your view? I could understand…
No-haggle pricing, like everything, is a form of price discrimination. People who need the best price will gladly walk past a no-haggle salesman to save a few hundred bucks. People who would rather have it over and done with in a day will pay the premium and leave happy. Same thing applies to coupon shoppers. You put…
Offering to bring more customers is inherently different than essentially asking “Do you know who I am? Do you know what I can do to your dealership with a single article?” That’s what he’s afraid will be inferred if he were to use his work with Jalopnik. It’s the same as saying “I’m likely to tell my friends about…
I get what you were trying to do, and it’s good you’re actively seeking out other opinions and experiences. Just know that as a white person commenting on an article meant to accommodate commiseration between those who have to put up with white people crap it’s not going to be received well. Intentional or not your…
I only fly Southwest because I always have to pack tools with me and the free checked bags save a ton of money. Plus their rewards program is pretty great. I flew my whole family to Cancun using my miles accumulated after only a couple years of flying Southwest. Early check-in/boarding is nice as well. Shame they…
It’s essentially moving the “full auto” mechanism from inside the gun to outside. I agree, it should be banned or AT THE VERY LEAST regulated as heavily as true full-auto guns are.