I’ve never heard of bump stocks for shotguns before. Gonna have to research that. Any links?
I’ve never heard of bump stocks for shotguns before. Gonna have to research that. Any links?
A lot easier. Other methods of bump-firing make you hold the gun in an unnatural position. This one allows you to shoulder the rifle like you would normally.
That’s an extremely ignorant take.
Hyperbolic sarcasm doesn’t help. It’s not all or nothing. That kind of binary thinking is why we’re in this putrid political mess in the first place.
Agreed. If you shoot for fun then you, like me, walk in and say “Gimme two boxes of whatever’s cheap.” If you’re going for accuracy for hunting or competition then yeah, hand loading makes sense, but after the initial thousands of dollars invested in the equipment it takes a long time to get the price per round down…
Double-action revolvers may as well be semi-auto. Technically they aren’t, but effectively they are.
That’s a technicality. In the broader sense of one pull = one bullet fired, they can be considered similar to semi-auto. No they aren’t magazine-fed, but the mechanic of the action matters less than the shooter’s interaction with the gun. If I pull my finger back repeatedly it doesn’t matter if I’m using a revolver or…
It’s for fun, not accuracy. In this case it’s for carnage and I’m fine with seeing these regulated out of existence.
I honestly hope the suppressor legislation goes through. People need to know that suppressors aren’t silencers, and silencers don’t exist. I would love to be less of a nuisance to people when I go shooting, and I’d also love to add another layer of protection to my hearing in addition to the ear plugs and muffs I…
I wish the NRA had more smart plans like that. As a gun owner even I shake my head at the NRA almost constantly.
Most people who are shot don’t stop after one bullet, even when the bullet hits vital organs. Lots of people have been killed by someone on PCP who still came at them after having 5 or more bullets in their chest.
I think one could reasonably require proof of purchase or ownership of a gun safe or trigger lock to prove it would be stored safely, but even a forced inspection of that would be difficult unless the customer had past run-ins with the law.
So if I’m able to shoot really fast with my own finger I should get charged with a felony?
The ATF regulates firearms, not accessories. Bump-stocks, are an accessory.
How would removing federal protections on rights not affect your rights?
Scuba diving isn’t in the constitution, so private regulation is an option. Not so with firearms.
They do make semi-auto shotguns, but most shotguns are pump-action, which is not semi-auto. Double-barreled (side-by-side or over-unders) could be considered semi-auto because there’s no loading mechanism needed between rounds, but a pump-action is essentially a bolt-action with the bolt moved to a different place.
A wooden dowel and a 2x6 is all you need to replicate the rounds per minute of a bump stock, but you’re shooting from the hip which decreases accuracy. Regardless, I think bump stocks need to go. No reason to make it easier than it already is.
It’s a step in the right direction. Just because that step doesn’t immediately get you where you want to be doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be taken.
But it’s not emulating a full-auto fire -it’s simply allowing a fast manipulation of the trigger on semi-auto fire.