
Any device that increases rate of fire to resemble full-auto.

I’m a gun owner. I own an AR-15, among others. I believe bump stocks should be banned or AT THE VERY LEAST regulated as heavily as other ATF items like actual full-auto guns. The difference between a legitimate assault rifle (with selective fire capability) and an AR-15 with a bump stock is negligible, so why

I believe the founders intended for constitutional rights to apply evenly to all people. Yes, they had a major, tragic blind spot when it came to slaves in practice, but the language was there and I don’t believe they intended the rich to have more constitutionally-protected rights than the poor. Shouting “fire” in a

I get that it’s fun to point this stuff out, but does knowing about it really change anything? Maybe as a preventative measure, sure, but if you’re already in the habit of eating at these places does knowing what’s already going on change anything? It’s like finding out your favorite hot dogs have raccoon testicles in

I definitely was joking. I thought “self-aware orphan-murdering device” would have given it away but it’s a rule of the internet that nothing can be written so sarcastically as to be immediately recognizable as such.

I know we regulate arms and I support almost all of it except where it gets into slippery slopes or discrimination against those without means. Registration shouldn’t be necessary to exercise a right. Just like we shouldn’t have to register in order to qualify for protections against unlawful search or seizure, we

This doesnt even count the miltary which could wipe every militia group off the face of the earth by morning without even leaving their base.

This concept of treating guns like cars is not only the simplest, and most effective solution, but also the most AMERICAN solution.

How many rounds do you think a normal semi-automatic handgun has?

Also, gun laws are not hard to interpret, so reading them directly isn’t a bad idea.

Sure am glad they banned all those cosmetic AR-15 accessories! I mean a PISTOL GRIP? Who on earth needs their hand rotated down by 60 degrees while they fire their weapon!? And a flash suppressor! That’s basically a self-aware orphan-murdering device right there.

That site isn’t designed for gun owners, and neither was this article. It’s aimed at people who want to advocate for gun control. In those cases knowing the laws as they stand now is secondary (or even tertiary) to knowing what laws are being proposed.

If it’s a question about defensive use of firearms, you’re right. If it’s a question about ownership, storage, or purchase of a firearm, there’s no better place than a gun store. The ones that don’t follow those laws don’t get to stay in business very long.

Name me one “automatic” handgun.

Don’t forget the massive ammo clips that let you shoot billions of babies all at once!

See Also:

Seems like “right to bear arms” is a federally-protected right, so it should be federally-regulated as well. I’ve heard stories of people legally transporting a firearm in their checked luggage who got diverted to an airport in New York due to weather or something. One woman had to collect her bags because the next

That makes sense. What about in cases where you’re paying them? Like a landlord or babysitter? Are you just SOL?

Based on your spelling of “Kalifornia” I’m guessing you’re a gun owner? Or would be if you didn’t live on the left coast?

Wow. I must have skimmed past the parts about cum chugging and taints. Sounds like she was having a bad day, too.