gelsomino pasqualino

Dicey situation. Toyota driver should have been trying to merge left earlier given traffic and cop should have left more room in front of his own car to accommodate the unexpected. Rushed merges with traffic that refuses to yield bit my butt one July 4th when I wasn’t allowed to merge left before I would have been

Don’t worry: The Champion of Ordinary Workers Donald Trump POTUS in Chief will take care of this after he’s done building that fence.

For years Republicans have been warning that government doesn’t work and it will become a monster devouring the people. With Trump in charge, they are setting about proving themselves right. We have seen the enemy and it is us.

So many folk eager to drive the public roads, but at the same time so unwilling to help pay for the privilege...

Russia, like the US, has a political body filled with idiots spouting nonsense as they jockey for power, status, wealth and fame. It has little to do with what ordinary citizens want, need or know. The difference is that Russian citizens understand that they answer to their government, while American citizens pretend

Reminded of sign in Philippine bar over men’s room urinals: “We aim to please to please to aim.”

Thanks for saving me some $$. But I wish they’d spent all that cinematic investment $$ in a real sci-fi story worthy of the effort and not some dreck as what apparently was pushed out the door. Typical.

All this is great. Now how do you get Drumpf to read it?

The good news is, when we finally regain our senses as a nation, dump Trump and the GOP and enact laws which benefit the public, all we need do to begin a crusade for better mental health is to subpoena the Infowars subscriber list and turn it over to the American Psychiatric Association.

I forsee a bright future for this family with the Trump administration.

Open the pod bay doors, Hal: I want outta here.

Sorry, this is the woman who drives that Suburban with the #MAGA bumper sticker that just blew past doing 50 in the school zone.

Even when its not sunny and 75, its still a helluva lot better here than in 99% of the rest of the country. No. Wait. It’s awful. Don’t come. Too damn many people here as it is. Nevermind.

As a man who has never even thought of assaulting a woman, but who detests men who do, I heartily approve of this approach to the problem. Do what you have to do to protect yourself.

Gratified to hear of the imminent salvation of Western Civilization.

Proving once again, Like Father, Like Son. We need a Trump dynasty like we need Vika virus. Both have similar effect on offspring’s brains.

What happens when the self-serving meets the self-seeking.

Amazing to me that there are those that think that billions of humans, millions of cars, planes, power plants, cities, wells etc, etc are not somehow having some effect on this planet’s ecosystem & climate. But then too, there are those who think voting for Donald Trump is a smart thing to do. Sentience does not imply

Teaching is a tough profession. It demands a lot out of you. If you don’t have it to give, don’t teach. And if you are not ready to learn from your students, don’t bother.

Just like the USA is a 24/7 shooting gallery.