Odd, the only ass I see is the author trying hard not to sound like a 9 year old with a whoopie cushion.
Odd, the only ass I see is the author trying hard not to sound like a 9 year old with a whoopie cushion.
As a San Diegan, I hang my head in shame when this idiot’s name is mentioned in concert with my fair county.
American bikers have it relatively easy. Look at some Russian dash cam videos and see what I mean. Good driving is good driving. Stupid is stupid on two wheels or four.
To put it succinctly, the problem is not about training & employing prison laborers at a fair rate to produce useful things for resale, it is about conniving corpoate managers making big bucks for peddling shoddy products made using innmate labor.
Keeping America great, one medal at a time... Way to go, Olympians!
I got news for you, the cat could give a shit about man or brownies. Well, maybe chicken-laced brownies, that might be different.
This is the same guy who said he was sending investigators to Hawaii to prove Obama’s birth certificate was faked, right? (Hint: he never did.)
NBC Olympics coverage is not about Olympics or sports but about what NBC thinks will entertain people enough to make them sit through commercials. They are often wrong about it.
Well, whomever she may be, we know she’ll vote Trump.
What we have here is another rural resident of San Diego who subscribes to the belief that one can achieve better living through chemistry.
This is awful and should have never happened with a well-run, well-led security organization - ever. That said, as a guardian of a person suffering these symptoms, I would have first approached the security desk at the airport, spoken to someone in authority and gotten appropriate supervision of the procedures that…
I’m retired so don’t do too much simultaneously, but my LG 29" (2560x1080) display suits me just fine for everyday use and costs little more than a more conventional display. I can browse, write documents, do bills and skype comfortably, all on on one display, in a type size my aging eyes can still manage.
Albert, America’s political dynasties (Roosevlts, Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons) fart in your general direction.
We are in the end mere puppets to the Gods, er, story writers.
Words fail me.
RIP to the naval aviator and sincere condolences to his team mates, friends and loved ones.
Whitey go all apeshit over dem uppity black folk...
Neither harmful nor malicious? Wrong on both counts. This idiot’s prank ended up harmful to him (or his future reputation, if nothing else) and at the same time his prank was maliciously over-reacted to by the authorities. But lets also point out, once again, that only an idiot would do this. And only his idiot…
OK, if you say so. But how is it that we see lots of ground wash from the ground camera, but no wash below the board when the rider looks directly below the device? Something smells very fishy about this, especially given the power/mass ration of such a small device, not to mention its claims of performance.
So What Westeros needs is Dragon Rapid Transit, right? To bring all those widely separated characters together so they can converse with each other once again? Brilliant!