Some Americans just don’t get the whole rule of law thing and would prefer to run the law from their trigger fingers.
Some Americans just don’t get the whole rule of law thing and would prefer to run the law from their trigger fingers.
So Donald Trump is designing SUV’s now? I would have thought it would be orange though.
In all fairness to the Romans, though, when you’re daily drinking water delivered through lead pipes, you might tend to be a bit forgetful about where you lay your dinner scraps.
I’m sure glad I live in a secular country like America where we don’t have problems like this. (snickers)
“The more you know...”
“Keep Calm
Alex Jones knows it “in his gut” that Scalia was murdered, eh? So he is saying that his stomach bacteria are smarter than he is? No doubt the end product of his digestive process is smarter still.
So, judging from the photo included in the article, we can expect Michigan to be invaded by the Egyptian army this summer?
Article unfortunately does not address how such a system will survive, let alone operate, in a very densely-packed advanced long-range SAM equipped, combat theater managed by a wily, sophisticated opponent also prepared to jam the bejeezus out of friendly forces. A potential opponent like, say, Russia. How is that…
Media indeed went nuts and the public, until then all Rah Rah about the war, suddenly had a glimpse of the actual carnage that went with it and experienced an unexpected bout of queasy shame to go with their over-indulged jingoism. The numbers of bodies found at the scene did not justify the label given to it by a…
Concur: a glance of the gif revealing the cop’s gun technique was the first thing that set off my BS detector. Seeing his collision/ramming technique afterwards was next. Watching the full video of the fool on the bike was the final icing on the cake. So we safely say we have two absolute buttheads here. Does the…
Talk about the Entitlement King. This guy is entitled to choke on his own gall. What a douche. And corporate executive ranks are full of his ilk. Trickle down my ass.
Funny, they say the same about us in the USA.
I read a lot of Tom Clancy when I was young and gung-ho. By all rights I should be Secretary of Defense by now.
If public display of assholes is banned, what are we to do with our numerous elected officials? Make them wear burqas?
This is all fine for the traditionally glamorous air-to-air side of gaining air supremacy, but what I don’t see as much emphasis upon is the means of neutralization of advanced ground-based AA systems (mostly missile) that are proliferating by leaps and bounds among all our potential adversaries.
A friend lost his young son who was his passenger riding behind him on one. Poor kid got tipped off the back and hit his head on a rock.
The whole LCS smacks of an argument between “What we need” vs “What is possible” and “What we’ve been sold.” I suspect that the mass closing of government owned naval shipyards and design centers has a lot to do with it.
If it takes a hit affecting it to the point where the tumblehome stability issues are relevant, it is toast anyway. As for rough seas: just hope all those electrical/electronic systems and power sources stay up and running...
What is up with that horrid rear side window? And that rising beltline? Just awful.