Bought a used Journey from Enterprise Used Car Sales. Couldn’t be happier with the purchase, and its been 4 years now. Got a lot of value & a car that was treated better than most owners take care of their cars.
Bought a used Journey from Enterprise Used Car Sales. Couldn’t be happier with the purchase, and its been 4 years now. Got a lot of value & a car that was treated better than most owners take care of their cars.
This story makes as much sense as a Donald Trump autobiography.
I learned this the hard way in 1970 at the age of 21 while moving to San Diego with a badly loaded trailer behind my near new El Camino. At the last minute my dad added a 6' potted orange tree to the rear of the trailer that probably was the last straw. We got all the way OK from Sacramento to LA but finally in Orange…
Time to decide whether you stand with workers and their interests, or with corporate interests that don’t give a crap about workers.
How expensive are the charging cables to replace? Because I’d be tempted to unplug it and cut it into pieces, then leave it on the guy’s hood.
“Mother calls, boyo hauls.”
About 2 or 3 years ago Trump sent a semi-secret emissary to Cuba to try to negotiate a deal for Trump setting up Cuban gambling casinos, among other possiblities. It failed. Perhaps Cuba is too honest, too smart or just plain doesn’t like the cut of Trump’s jib, but in any event the negotiations went nowhere. Knowing…
I’m well familiar with aviation and flying, and part of my career was helicopter related.
It is what I could afford three years ago, the most car for the money, and the used price was attainable even on my meager pension. The Journey gives my family the room and reliability we need. To date we’ve added 70K on the 25K it was bought with and it seems to be holding up, though I am beginning to be annoyed…
I suspect there was a time in pre-Homo Sapiens’ history when our not-yet vertical predecessors got around all the time using this mode.
The worst part is not that junk racist rags publish this crap, but that the mainstream media pass it on as if it were newsworthy, thus giving the mercenary rags far more reach & “cred:” furthermore it is reach and cred that is far, far, more than they deserve.
The Laddie doth protest too much. I think he secretly wants one.
I’m impressed they were not all killed. That pilot was not skilled, just injudicious and lucky as all get out.
“Checks and balances?” Simple. With the GOP, pay enough checks and the balance will go your way.
Does Lego have specific parts made for these specific miniature cars, or are they scratch built from generic brick bits, coming from some warehouse stash of billions of little different bricks?
One gets the impression that too many men are overcompensating for something by buying these monstrosities.
If the photo in the article is from the incident, I don’t understand how the F-16's cannon round could have impacted the F-16 next to it. The two F-16's in the photo are parked in parallel. F-16 cannons are aligned with the aircraft’s long axis and are not side-firing mounts like, say, an attack helo carries. Any…
Predatory capitalism eats its children again...and again.
I doubt the Australian navy could even find recruits if it didn’t offer a pub on its warships.
So he actually is an ignorant, stoned dickhead in real life too and doesn’t just act one out for a living? Whodathunkit?