
So Amazon finally did some good labeling there (when reading on Kindle). The Last Wish is the first launching off point (collection of short stories) which actually contains the inspirations for some of the side quests in Witcher 3 (is the inspiration for one of the most significant quests). Then Sword of Destiny is

So Amazon finally did some good labeling there (when reading on Kindle). The Last Wish is the first launching off point (collection of short stories) which actually contains the inspirations for some of the side quests in Witcher 3 (is the inspiration for one of the most significant quests). Then Sword of Destiny is

No, San Diego, but I am glad that moment is loved by all across the country. lol

“A FUCKING drill” and “YES KISS” were the two loudest phrases screamed in my viewing. What a fucking fun 2 hours this was.

So, that rooftop scene, which is hands down one of the best interactive/decision moments in any game was stellar. Without getting spoilery, I am a trained QPR Trainer (since you know the context you can google what that is), and I used those skills and methodologies and that resulted in the outcome I wanted/expected.

I also had Shep-Tali throughout all 3 games, so that part was especially devasting for me.

Thanks for the clarification as I was trying so hard to remember the exact specifics so many years later. Though my reasoning and logic still applied and is unchanged, along with my reaction to the result.

As someone who has been in the HR/Talent field for over a decade, I really wish this statement was more false than true. My addition to your well-said statement is that in addition to unionizing, there needs to be a HR revolution, which I feel is starting to happen as the older workforce is making way for those of us

Man, when Kingdom Hearts II came out I was 24, barley living paycheck to paycheck, not quite sure what I wanted to do (was on my 4th major by this point) and still had not been in a serious long term relationship.  I took the day off for the game, bought some snacks and played the game for 8 straight hours and loved

You clearly need to work on your reading comprehension. I didn’t say one was worse than the other, I merely challenged the commentors claim that Germany only did “fast and efficient” killings.  You are free to point out where I make the claim “x is worse than y”, but you wont find it.  Come back when you have spent

This is categorically false. The German Nazi extermination program (death camps) did not start until late into WWII. Before that it was mass starvation (hardly quick), intense labor camps, and extensive medical tests (that led to some developments in modern medicine). Before they did medical experiments on Jews, they

Something missing from this review that Polygon mentioned in theirs is the closing words of the campaign from the book “Lovely Bones”. “Murderers are not monsters, they’re men. And that’s the most frightening thing about them.”. To me, DICE including this at the end shows they got it, that they knew what they were

There were twice as many Wehrmacht heavy tank battalions as there were SS tank battalions, the chances they were SS are actually lower.

You are correct in that Nazis should never ever be romanticized. That being said, just because you were in the German Army (basically forced conscription during WWII) does not mean you were a Nazi. The distinction applies to the SS. One of the best historical books that touches on this topic would be Christopher

What is a little disingenuous about Rockstar’s move here is that, legally, their employees are allowed to complain about work conditions via social media or any platform that “encourages” discussion with other employees. They did not need HR’s permission to do this. This is per the FLSA and the DOJ Labor board. Though

Oh man, having to relive that moment when Marston dies...the editing on this is superb, and I love how you managed to work in your typical quirks/quips (like with the wood barred entrance) while staying in “character”.

Took me jumping 4 systems to find a planet like surprise I don’t want to leave.

Interesting that book may be, that has no bearing on the genocide carried out by the Nazis. The majority of atrocities were carried out by ordinary Germans, those in the party, and other soliders in the SS. In fact, the majority of extermination policies were created by Hitler’s officers. Any time someone tries to

Right!?! Since when is 80% of 7 and 100% of 1 == 15%...the pretentious of that tweet was too much. “I spent the last week complimenting Jason, but everyone should just be informed”. Ignoring the fact that all Kotaku reviews says how many hours and how much of the story was completed.

But Jason, you only beat 1 story-line, how are we supposed to trust you...just being informative here..../sarcasm