
Fuck.  I am sold.

I didn’t know people have the ability to smell over the internet....

The only proper response.

Come for the coloful commentary of the floor, stay for Tim’s prophecies for the future of his children.


This worked really well as a podcast for my commute home. Great work.

He talks about

Second hand knowledge? Are you aware of the US role in the Holocaust and the global anti-Semitic movement? I mean, it is okay if you dont, but again you are making arguments from a stance of ignorance not expertise, or even borderline awareness. The lessons one learns from studying the Holocaust are wholly different

Yeah, after I posted and re-read I realized feign was the wrong word.

Stick to your claim that you are no “history buff” and stop trying to say what lessons people should learn and where they should learn the from. You don’t get to feign ignorance and then argue with any sense of authority.

Was the movie originally in French? I will have to watch it that way (dumb movie indeed, but I enjoyed it). That is how I felt about Crouching Tiger, despite all the actors being able to speak English, the English was done as a dub and ruined the movie for me (friend would only watch English version).

Yeah, Ghibli Disney seems to always work, though I wonder if that is because a movie format has different style dialogue. I mean, on the whole, I am not “totally” opposed to dubs. As a high schooler, I watched Tenchi dubbed, TriGun dubbed, and DBZ dubbed. I may re-watch DBS with the dubs because I do like them a lot.

I appreciate everyone’s responses to this. All genuine, civil, and non-trolly. :-)

Oh, I have to massively disagree here. The Japanese VA for Major is perfection and the main reason why I watch it in Japanese. Granted, for me, I mainly refer to Stand Alone Complex (1 and 2) but its the same VA for the movie. I once heard the English dub for it when I saw I could purchase an ep on iTunes and, well, I

The Japanese VA for Spike and Jet and Faye are some of my all time favorite VAs. Spike is Togousa in Ghost in the Shell and Jet is Batou. For me personally, the difference between English Spike and Japanese Spike was too much for me. Though, as has been pointed out, that could very well have to do with the fact that

I agree with you. Also, I can only play as FemShep lol.

You are correct. 100% of anime was fan subbed. BUT, at this point it was hard to get said anime on my TV, and sometimes, I just wanted to watch on a bigger screen, so that is where bootlegs would come in (rarely, but they did).

The amount of Chinese bootleg DVDs I purchased in the early 2000s either had shitty subtitles are badly translated ones. I get your pain on that.

I cannot for the life of me understand how people prefer the English dub of Spike over the original Japanese VA. It changes the character on a foundational level. The only explanation I am come up with is the nostalgia attached to what version you saw first.

Fuck...I totally forgot about that option.