Now playing

I played 20 minutes of Paradox’s new city builder, Surviving Mars, at E3. The demo showed off different phases of planet colonization, from early moments establishing a livable area to later on, when I had multiple inhabited domes to work with. The game draws on real-world science and seems complex. If, however, you

Great, that also destroys the resale value of my Xbox One S in case I want to actually trade up for a Scorpio.

I don’t think the shoe is flying back and forth. Looks like he is going back and forth trying to catch the shoe.

Fuck. It's already July.

Seems that it isn’t “self pouring” so much as it is “self siphoning”.

They didn’t “lose money,” their revenue declined compared to the previous reporting period.

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

Something about the color and the (functional) ribbing makes it look extremely ‘80s.

Don't forget rollerblades.

Why are there labels on the buttons?

I don’t’s a useful distinction. I’m glad there’s a way to indicate that you’re tweeting about an event that is ongoing, vs. just tweeting about it after it has already happened.

Your logic is bad. It’s called a “car,” but you don’t go “carring,” you go “driving.” It’s okay for a verb to be different from the noun.

Live tweeting. All tweeting is live tweeting.

You could thank God or you could thank all of the brilliant scientists and engineers that created and perfected seat belts, airbags and car safety.

I did a ton of coke tonight and thought id say that I found it funny to say John Calamari instead of John Calapari.

Awesome! Now your kids can be figurative and literal anchors!

What reality was broken with this? It isn't even that great of dancing.

From the first video: "He is wounded, somehow."

"Mod turns Military Sim into Halo", would be a more applicable title.