
Works for me. Does he live in Denver?

This exact bullshit happened to me. I had just reached the final planet you encounter him on the night before. Was watching football when the ad came on. I saw Vader and just felt deflated about finishing the game. I went and finished it right away to find out, yup, they advertised the biggest spoiler of the game.

Surviving Mars also! Loving it so far.

I CANNOT wait for Surviving, considering taking sleeping pills to fast forward to thursday...not really but that’s my excitement level.

Man I am all for the revitalization of the simulation genre after the whatever you want tycoon phenomenon. We are set to get surviving mars, this, a reboot of sim hospital, and a new railroad game. What have we done to be so rewarded?

I just chatted with Amazon and they said microsoft isn’t providing the code and they refunded my $$.

I just chatted with Amazon and they said microsoft isn’t providing the code and they refunded my $$.

You ever get the code for the second 3 months? I never did.

You ever get the code for the second 3 months? I never did.

This reads like Clark Griswold plugging his Christmas lights in in the beginning. All you needed was your wife to do a drum roll.

Also another 20% off eligible for Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked members.

Also another 20% off eligible for Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked members.

I believe you mean this is a $60 retail video game release. Maybe it wouldn’t sting so much if you had $10 to play with. Freudian slip?

That Major Nelson one is actually from him misspelling a tweet several times in a row.

I think you should change the pod name to Split Personalities. Jason has suddenly become the Mr. Hyde to Kirk’s Dr. Jekyll. Nothing like hating something you know nothing about. Now excuse me while I go give Blood, Sweat and Pixels a .5 star amazon review because of an article I read once of Jason’s that I didn’t like.

Maybe this will hit games with gold?

Weird, I was just browsing amazon for cases and was about to buy a $20 one. Then happened to pop over to Kotaku before hitting order and saw this. Mind changed....thanks man.

Weird, I was just browsing amazon for cases and was about to buy a $20 one. Then happened to pop over to Kotaku

This is why all young male teenagers should invest in screen protectors if they plan on carrying these around in front pockets.

Why is popcorn not recommended? Because they’ll get addicted like me?

Guilty. I licked Zelda the moment I opened it.

You can spend the weekend licking it.

No issues from Best Buy today for me. My store got 20 systems. 7 preorders and 13 available to the public. 4 Neon and 9 black.

Is Kirk really still Kirk or has his roomba taken over his body? Isn’t a roomba just an arm away from ruling all other roombas?