
The particular car I linked to had a Hulman Moody NASCAR engine. No where did you indicate a time period nor did I compare one time period to another. And if we’re going to compare time periods, it wouldn’t matter what NASCAR engine you place in that 70's Mustang chassis - the chassis is a pile of shit for a road race

Not a 1970 Mustang.

He’ll never pass an officer in that car because it simply doesn’t exist as an operational vehicle anymore. Went up in flames, according to article. :p



If you start the project a week out from NYD like Moab, for example, this could be site content.

Lights in the cockpit. Every time, day, night, dusk. Looks like someone opened a 1000 watt vanity in the dash. Meanwhile, I’m rendered blind when my 7yr flips on the dome light.

I swear....

Mitsubushi Eclipse Sportcross



good to know.

bad weather I tend to aim for the higher gears as early as possible just for easier throttle/traction control.


I’ve heard accelerating quickly to the cruise speed would produce the best MPGs. So that could mean holding 3rd to 55mph and skipping 4th and 5th to hit 6th. Or using 2nd, becauseracecar.

That titianum interior is sharp. The Ecoboost in US was only SE trim. As far as I know, 2015 was only year for 6spd MT in US.  Can’t imagine an AT in one of these.

What was the flight pattern?