
How the hell does this moron remember to breathe when he’s swimming?

Not that I don’t feel ya, but this is honestly nothing new. Pretty much every major industry works the same way. I’ve been working for big pharma (As an IT guy mind you) for 15 years and the process is always the same: buy out small company and/or competitor, sell of unneeded bits and get rid of lots of people, pad

I admit that part of my reasoning likely comes from too much sci fi not enough sci-fact. While there have been a number of ocean scary type movies, a vast majority (not all but a majority) take a known entity and blow it up - be it 20000 leagues under the sea, or jaws, or even something as dumb as attack of the two

1. Stop smoking so goddamn much weed guys

Ford GT definitely hits all the requirements including “special”.  I would vote for that as well, though you can never go wrong with a “classic” i.e. countach, testerossa etc.

Highly recommend the orbi. A little wonkiness with the software aside, it was simple to setup, easy to expand, and for the first time really gives me perfect end to end coverage in my house. You don’t even see when you jump from satellite to satellite.

Highly recommend the orbi. A little wonkiness with the software aside, it was simple to setup, easy to expand, and

Yes Papa John should regret opening his mouth, but his regrets started much sooner than that when he, or anyone else, tasted that tomato-sugar-water they call sauce.

Stinks of “well I’m almost home from the dealership and kept it under 55 the whole way....let’s see what happens if I floor it at this light just once...OH SHIT” into the barrier.

Musk’s behavior is actually quite easy to understand. Intense narcissism brought on by the undying love and praise of a percentage of the public. When you’re already a gajillionaire who believes the world rotates around your nutsack, being told that you piss solid gold over and over again just feeds into that.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Not to take away from the primary point of the article but...26 year old twins still living together?

Unsure but it may have something to do with the maximum allowable punishments under federal law.

While I hear what you’re saying, you are comparing a man using words to a woman nearly murdering a man with a brick.

Something that comes in handy for the less beeringly inclined is when a menu lists a similar macrobrew to the style being looked at.  So if you’re looking at a witbier, perhaps saying it’s similar to blue moon or something like that.  I have lots of friends who, regretfully, believe keystone light to be their idea of

Am I remembering wrong or did they not put into place rules about what the temp could be before they cut off power to a home?  Even if the woman wasn’t reliant on oxygen, children/seniors sitting in a 96 degree house is not going to end well...

One by me is the same way - while the original owners have passed it onto their kids, I still see pictures of the folks that gave me ice cream as a child on all the walls, and I know them by site and name.  It’s what made me like DQ over, say, Carvel or similar franchises in the area.

The best, and I Mean the BEST part was the whole “Hey I can use these snacks to fend off the cop!”

This is wrong. 100%. Fucking cowardly as shit too - too afraid to put your name on an article doxxing someone?

It’s the headline I was expecting this to be an article on the root talking about how stupid wypipo are again.

This is a real drag? Kat Von D was already a piece of garbage as far as many of us were concerned owing to her questionable taste in antisemitic smears.