
Please let it be kiddie porn. That would be the fucking best. It would prove that, as a republican, he was telling the truth - he doesn’t have any use for porn stars.

“ I felt like there was a ball in my throat” - while talking about a sexual assault.

The issue I have with that is this: while Kim may not be deserving of a thank you (or wanting one, who the hell knows with celebrities), to write a piece RAILING on her is hardly a good way to get those of us who benefit from privilege to USE it for good, is it?

In case anyone needed still MORE proof that demons can exist, even in those who you might think have the “perfect life”, I’d call this a prime example. Man made a career of traveling the world and eating amazing food, bringing cultures into the main stream, and generally doing what it seemed he really loved. A

There is more to this than white privilege Michael. Please don’t minimize the effect that mental illness/substance abuse can have on people by chalking this behavior strictly up to white privilege. There’s more going on here than that, and it needs to be recognized.

Likewise here. I’m in actual physical pain from siding with the Eagles on ANYTHING....

I’ll join in here as a die hard Giants fan. I hate the Eagles. I hate your team, I hate your stadium and cheesesteaks aside I don’t care for your city.

As a white male I really look forward to a day when I don’t have to hang my head because white males are such fucking assholes, generally speaking.

thank you - as a new guy to doing ANYTHING to my car, I often wondered what the numbers meant (not enough to google it of course). I just knew that the oil cap on my car said 5w-30, so that’s what I always use (2016 wrx).

Nope. Sorry. Not getting behind this even a little bit.

So I saw it this weekend and no, deadpool cannot fuck right off. Deadpool was fucking perfect for Deadpool and, beyond that, was about the only way marvel (in their right mind) could follow up on Infinity War.

So the TL:DR version is this: Chains pay their employees like shit, and treat them like shit, because they can always hire more people to do the same job.

Maybe it’s just me...I’ve never found poaching eggs particularly challenging. Bring water to boil. Add cap of vinegar and, if necessary, reduce heat to JUST sub boil. Lightly lay the eggs in. IF the water temp is proper you don’t really lose much of the whites at all.

So a guy who gets punched in the head for a living can’t read well, and we’re surprised?

Interesting theory...but is it possible that, and hear me out on this, his politics are fucked because he’s quite simply an asshole? I mean, that’s what I attribute Trump’s shitty politics to, along with most of his followers...We can look for all the explanations in the world: mommy didn’t hug him enough, or hugged

Just further proof the all the “do goodery” that the WWE tries to focus themselves on is nothing more than getting PR.

Honestly...can we stop giving this woman coverage? She’s an idiot, she always was an idiot, she always will be an idiot. I’m not a fan of most of the women who have come through ‘The View’ over the years, but she is by far the worst...and that’s certainly saying something.

I definitely value good game over anything that’s going to blow me away with graphics but suck. Hell I still play Diablo 2 more than I should likely admit.

I definitely value good game over anything that’s going to blow me away with graphics but suck. Hell I still play

Any suggestions as to which of these are worth playing?

Any suggestions as to which of these are worth playing?