
So since we’re talking universe shattering stuff here what if, and hear me out here, this is the universe reboot needed to bring Xmen, deadpool, and Fantastic Four into the same universe as the avengers and GotG? Llike, right before whateveer happens in the next movie to fix things happens, someone says “This is going

And we dunno where hawkeye wound up either...

I’m with you. I have no idea what he could win for it, but Brolin’s performance was award-worthy. SO well done both in the cgi and in his vocal performance. I was amazed at just how GOOD he was.

Have a source on that by any chance? This is the first I’ve heard that...

Fair enough - my apologies then. Gotta help a brother out with a #youdiditagain or #sarcasmyoudope ;)

You’re joking right?

Very fair point and agreed but...shit, most comedians would kill to have a set where only one joke bombs right?

Absolutely brilliantly done. I’d actually never heard of her before this, but have now followed her on twitter and will be looking for more of her stuff.

LOTS of people screaming in our showing as well, myself included. I actually had to apologize to the folks next to me who had a somewhere around 10 year old with them, because I just couldn’t hold back the “FUCK NO’ as it ended (fortunately they laughed and said they were thinking it too).

We saw the Thursday night show, first one in our area far as I know, and our entire crowd was full of big comic/mcu dorks (including us). We had people in full costume in our showing. Every time a character showed up, cheers. Lots of people screaming at various points in the movie, and when Fury has the pager everyone

Dying. I am absolutely dying. The movie was like the best, most exciting, fastest roller coaster of all time - and it ends in the middle of the biggest loop, leaving you dangling upside down until May 2019.

Her set was fucking A-MAZING.

WHCA is as complicit as every other organization refusing to do a damn thing.

I repeat. He will not go to jail.

Piece of shit won’t serve a day. His attorney will argue that he’s too infirm to be in prison, and if that fails, he’ll off himself.

Holy shit.

So, back in the day in my old marriage, I would sit down for 7-8 hour marathon sessions of WOW whenever I could. My gaming was not the problem. Our marriage was.

No no - this is CLEARLY a whole bunch of discrimination/racism. I wasn’t referencing the assholes who actually did the deed, I was actually referencing the family member who owns the club (when I was referencing giving credit to maybe not being racist)

Ugh...I have the benefit of being white and as such tend to give people credit for being not-racist until they prove themselves racist.

So let me get this right. White dude wrongs the ever long shit out of group of black women...and now it’s on the black women to meet with the idiots in charge to explain what happened?